- by EvercodeLab 1K Installs
Collection of SublimeText 2/3 snippets for Symfony 2, Ruby on Rails and JavaScript
- by AntoineBoulanger 13K Installs
A flat version of the default Sublime Text theme.
- by MJIO 13K Installs
Sublime Text color scheme based on the excellent Jellybeans color scheme for Vim.
- by droekm 2K Installs
an color scheme for Sublime Text
- by james2doyle 18K Installs
A set of completions for the Phalcon PHP Framework made for Sublime Text 3
- by yohanboniface 346 Installs
Carto syntax highlighter and autocompletion for Sublime Text editor
- by DavidGerva ST3 3K Installs
Repository for the LockTab sublime 3 plugin
- by emn178 ST2 14 Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin for running javascript tests.(By teaspoon)
- by aphex 2K Installs
Advanced ANT Build System for Sublime Text 2 enabling target selection.
- by Sage-Archer 22K Installs
Sublime jQuery Mobile Snippets
- by theoperatore 359 Installs
A Sublime Text syntax definition for the templating language Vash <https://github.com/kirbysayshi/vash>
- by nir0s 7K Installs
Logstash DSL Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text
- by steveosoule 172 Installs
Sublime Text Plugin to convert Toolkit, Toolbelt, and Sebenza Tools variable assignments into Miva's default mvt:assign
- by Rafał 'afterdesign' Malinowski 12K Installs
Run jshint with your own jshintrc and show errors in status bar.
- by shagabutdinov 907 Installs
Toggles wrap type (and remove wrap) between (), {}, [] and quotes "", '', ``
- by shagabutdinov 662 Installs
Full undo/redo for sublime
- by Frescha 455 Installs
Shinken, Alignak and Nagios syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3 and Sublime Text 2
- by mrtnbroder 17K Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for the Meteor Framework
- by waigani 18K Installs
GoOracle is a Golang plugin for SublimeText that integrates the Go oracle tool.
- by chipotle 5K Installs
BBCode Bundle for Sublime Text
- by nickdowse 2K Installs
Sublime text plugin to convert HTML to HAML, CSS to SASS and JavaScript to CoffeeScript on paste.
- by peters-ben-0007 19K Installs
VB.Net Syntax for Sublime Text
- by abstractmarkup 13K Installs
Abstract Markup Language syntax highlighting, code snippets, and build system for Sublime Text.
- by kemayo 68K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to go to documentation
- by Monnoroch 383 Installs
Evaluates the python code and replaces it with the echoed result