- by bsoun ST3 634 Installs
Plugin to perform websearch from Sublime Text
- by aziz ST3 11K Installs
Adds a couple of missing features to SublimeText 3 Find Results buffer
- by mikesprague 432 Installs
Sublime Text plugin allowing you to easily search the CFDocs documentation.
- by mandeep ST3 50K Installs
Work with conda environments in Sublime Text 3
- by bordaigorl ST3 111 Installs
DBLP Plugin For Sublime Text 3
- by rvolz ST3 62 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin for the DBpedia Lookup service
- by Purushoṭhaman 491 Installs
Sublime 3 Plugin helps to search change records for the Drupal hooks (core and contrib modules).
- by Keegan Street, thinkV Missing 4K Installs
Search HTML files using CSS selectors
- by andreacfromtheapp ST4 75 Installs
A handy little package for searching Elm packages from within Sublime Text.
- by Aaron Fu Lei 149 Installs
Quick-find aware of case-sensitive / whole-word / wrap-scan flags.
- by vsc-cnst ST4 157 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for filtering file content using regular expressions
- by davidpeckham 37K Installs
Quickly find all lines matching a string or regular expression
- by twolfson 16K Installs
Find code quickly in Sublime Text.
- by Wramberg ST3 1K Installs
Text search plugin for Sublime Text 3 projects
- by mattst 1K Installs
A Sublime Text package which adds keys allowing users to switch focus to and to close the Find Results buffer, and to jump to the first and last of the current results.
- by kemayo 68K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to go to documentation
- by dusk125 ST3 2K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin that searches a file for a pipe delimited regular expressions and bookmarks all matches.
- by Flyclops ST3 86K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for browsing a JSON document via tree view
- by robertcollier4 313 Installs
Search through find results while keeping them outlined.
- by li-vu 364 Installs
Match - Emacs' occur-mode for Sublime Text
- by mattst 389 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 package which provides key bindings for the find panel buttons which are not assigned keys in the default Sublime Text keymap files.
- by bordaigorl 1K Installs
A flexible Sublime Text plugin to lookup documentation of imported modules
- by Rajesh Vaya 860 Installs
This plugin enables the user to search online right from the sublime text editor. User can search through input, right-clicking the selected text and through general key-bindings.
- by linkarys 654 Installs
A plugin for quick load / search any docs
- by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 3K Installs
Works similarly to TextMate's ctrl+s. But if text is already selected, it will be the default search. Keep pressing ctrl+s to search for the next instance.
- by tillt ST3 2K Installs
Sublime Text 3 C, C++ and Objective C code completion, navigation plugin based on RTags.
- by leonid-shevtsov 16K Installs
Use ag, ack, grep and git grep directly from Sublime Text 2 and 3
- by nsubiron ST3 538 Installs
Command framework for Sublime Text 3.
- by jonathanrdelgado 75K Installs
A SublimeText plugin for reviewing todo (and other) comments within your code.
- by talitore 10K Installs
Sublime Text 3 package to search Unity3D Script Reference
- by Harderer ST3 4K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to find unused css names
- by ahmadawais 15K Installs
🚀 Sublime Text package of snippets for WordPress Customizer. Helps you write standard WordPress code for Customizer with different kinds of snippets — in seconds.
- by tripflex 34K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin to search the new Wordpress Developer Resources (developer.wordpress.org)
- by pope ST3 631 Installs
SublimeText 3 plugin fo working with CodeSearch