ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • InsertDate

    by FichteFoll 31K Installs
    Insert the current date/time according to given formatting or timezone
  • SyncedSideBar

    by TheSpyder 225K Installs
    Sublime Text plugin to sync project sidebar (folder view) with currently active file.
  • Highlight

    by n1k0 111K Installs
    A humble SublimeText package for exporting highlighted code as RTF or HTML
  • SendCode

    by randy3k ST3 29K Installs
    Send code and text to macOS and Linux Terminals, iTerm, ConEmu, Cmder, Tmux, Terminus; R (RStudio), Julia, IPython.
  • RichTextFormat

    by SublimeText ST3 8K Installs
    Syntax definition for RTF files in Sublime Text 3
  • ToggleQuotes

    by spadgos 11K Installs
    ST2 Plugin for toggling quote marks
  • Origami

    by SublimeText 141K Installs
    Split the window however you like! Create new panes, delete panes, move and clone views from pane to pane.
  • Highlight Dodgy Chars

    by TuureKaunisto 6K Installs
    This is a plugin for Sublime Text 3 that highlights non-ascii chars making eg. spotting zero width spaces much easier.
  • RemoveNonAsciiChars

    by Gabriel-p 3K Installs
    Replace and/or remove non-ASCII characters
  • Text Pastry

    by duydao 74K Installs
    Extend the power of multiple selections in Sublime Text. Modify selections, insert numeric sequences, incremental numbers, generate uuids, date ranges, insert continuously from a word list and more.
  • Default File Type

    by spadgos 62K Installs
    ST2 Package which automatically sets the syntax for new files
  • Toggle the View Read-Only

    by AxxL 4K Installs
    Toggle a file in Sublime as readonly
  • Debugger

    by daveleroy ST4 19K Installs
    Graphical Debugger for Sublime Text for debuggers that support the debug adapter protocol
  • Guna

    by poucotm ST3 54K Installs
    🍁 Most Innovative Theme for Sublime Text
  • LSP-ruff

    by LDAP ST3 3K Installs
    LSP helper for ruff - an extremely fast Python linter, written in Rust.
  • INI

    by jwortmann 112K Installs
    Syntax highlighting for INI and REG files in Sublime Text
  • Visual Studio Code Plus Scheme

    by vbasky 14K Installs
    Visual Studio Code Colour Scheme for Sublime
  • Alignment

    by Will Bond (wbond) Top 25 1.49M Installs
    Easy alignment of multiple selections and multi-line selections
  • EasyClangComplete

    by niosus ST3 51K Installs
    :boom: Robust C/C++ code completion for Sublime Text 3/4
  • Transparency

    by vhanla Win 28K Installs
    Make the windows transparency
  • Word Count

    by shadax1 4K Installs
    Sublime Text plugin written in Python that counts specific words given by the user.
  • SublimeLinter-pug-lint

    by SublimeLinter ST3 51K Installs
    SublimeLinter plugin for Pug (formerly Jade), using pug-lint
  • FileIcons Mono

    by braver ST3 41K Installs
    File icons for Sublime Text
  • Pawn syntax

    by Southclaws 41K Installs
    Pawn language settings for Sublime Text 3. Copied from C++ but with Pawn language and SA:MP specific modifications.
  • TOML

    by jasonwilliams 73K Installs
    Sublime Text 2/3 syntax highlighting for .toml/.tml format