ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • ANSIescape

    by aziz ST3 26K Installs
    ANSI escape codes color highlighting for SublimeText 3
  • ColorPicker

    by Weslly H. Top 25 1.48M Installs
    A multi-platform color picker plugin
  • Theme - Soda

    by buymeasoda Top 100 916K Installs
    Dark and light custom UI themes for Sublime Text
  • Theme - Dark Material

    by artifactdev 114K Installs
    No description provided
  • Javascript Beautify

    by enginespot Top 100 283K Installs
    js-beautify for sublime
  • DocBlockr

    by spadgos Top 25 1.20M Installs
    Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++
  • SqlBeautifier

    by zsong 146K Installs
    A sublime plugin to format SQL. It supports both sublime 2 and 3.
  • MarkdownPreview

    by facelessuser ST3 Top 100 856K Installs
    Markdown preview and build plugin for Sublime Text https://facelessuser.github.io/MarkdownPreview/
  • Indent XML

    by alek-sys Top 100 482K Installs
    Plugin for Sublime Text editor for reindenting XML and JSON files
  • Colorsublime

    by Colorsublime ST3 Top 100 404K Installs
    Plugin for Color Sublime
  • LiveServer

    by molnarmark ST3 59K Installs
    🌍️ Launch a Development Server directly from Sublime Text
  • PHP Companion

    by erichard ST3 237K Installs
    A Sublime Text plugin that provides cool stuff for PHP 5.3+ coding session.
  • FileDiffs

    by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 Top 100 326K Installs
    Shows diffs between the current file, or selection(s) in the current file, and clipboard, another file, or unsaved changes. With contributions from Sebastian Pape (spape) and Jiri Urban (jiriurban)
  • SFTP

    by Will Bond (wbond) Top 25 1.25M Installs
    Commercial SFTP/FTP plugin - upload, sync, browse, remote edit, diff and vcs integration
  • A File Icon

    by ihodev, DeathAxe ST3 Top 25 1.29M Installs
    Sublime Text File-Specific Icons for Improved Visual Grepping
  • Monokai Dark

    by thatal 77K Installs
    Monokai Dark Theme for Sublime 2 and Sublime 3 specially for Seti_ui
  • WordingStatus

    by evandrocoan ST3 123K Installs
    Real-time Word, Char, Line and Page counter, in the status-bar for the document, line or selection. Sublime Text
  • DiffTabs

    by soandrew 57K Installs
    Sublime Text 4/3/2 plugin that adds the option to diff the current tab with another open tab.
  • TOML

    by jasonwilliams 73K Installs
    Sublime Text 2/3 syntax highlighting for .toml/.tml format
  • ChineseLocalizations

    by rexdf Top 25 1.41M Installs
    Localization for Sublime Text, support 简体中文 繁体中文 日本語 Chinese Japanese German Russian Spanish Armenian Swedish and French
  • Prettierd Format

    by Simone Mastromattei ST3 8K Installs
    Sublime Text plugin to format files faster using prettierd
  • AdvancedNewFile

    by SublimeText Top 100 753K Installs
    File creation plugin for Sublime Text
  • GBK Support

    by chengsu ST3 142K Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 plugin for editing and saving files encoded in GBK.
  • SideBarEnhancements

    by titoBouzout ST3 Top 25 2.88M Installs
    Side Bar Tools and Enhancements for Sublime Text. Files and folders.
  • python-black

    by thep0y ST4 15K Installs
    Black formatter for Sublime Text