- by mikefowler 9K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin for lightning-fast file cloning. Compatible with both ST2 and ST3.
- by rjcoelho ST2 374 Installs
Sublime Text 2 editor cleartool/case integration
- by dexbol Win 71K Installs
sublime plugin
- by danielhopkins ST2 2K Installs
Add more advanced movement commands for Sublime Text 2
- by cakephp 14K Installs
Official CakePHP TextMate Bundle Git Repository
- by apophys 3K Installs
Simple manual page "viewer".
- by learning 99K Installs
[DEAD PROJECT]Make Sublime as a HTTP server, compatible with sublime 3
- by titoBouzout 24K Installs
Hunspell UTF8 dictionaries. These work with Sublime Text. [Spell check]
- by angular-ui Top 100 437K Installs
AngularJS code completion, snippets, go to definition, quick panel search, and more.
- by sheldon ST2 7K Installs
a folder list to open in sublime text 2
- by koko1000ban ST2 1K Installs
GNU GLOBAL(gtags) support for Sublime Text 2/3
- by aroscoe ST2 7K Installs
Sublime Text 2 package for converting CSS hexadecimal colors into RGBA.
- by fintanmm ST2 2K Installs
Inserts url's for lorempixel.com into html and css files.
- by klaussilveira 2K Installs
SublimeNESASM is NESASM-oriented assembly language syntax definition for Sublime Text 2
- by d0ugal ST2 2K Installs
RstPreview - a SublimeText plugin to view RST files in your browser.
- by iltempo 8K Installs
Sublime Text package for converting Ruby 1.8 hashes to Ruby 1.9 syntax
- by diemer 8K Installs
Auto-completions for RubyMotion's API in Sublime Text 2
- by joscandreu ST2 1K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Titanium API Search Plugin
- by amokan 7K Installs
Backbone.Marionette completion and snippet package for Sublime Text 2
- by zanuka 6K Installs
:dash: SublimeText Package : Dust syntax + completions
- by tstirrat 620 Installs
Idoc (Oracle WebCenter Content) Syntax for Sublime
- by adampresley ST2 10K Installs
Sublime JavaScript Minifier
- by mgaitan 15K Installs
Restructured Text snippets and code completion hotkeys for Sublime Text 2 and 3
- by scttcper ST2 158 Installs
Scriptogram blogging service Sublime Text Plugin
- by dertuxmalwieder 12K Installs
Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Todo.txt