- by lxcodes 152 Installs
Symitar Syntax Highlighting & Snippets
- by skyronic ST3 11K Installs
Sublime Text 3 Extension to highlight the code committed by you in a file using git blame
- by oubiwann 281 Installs
LFE Support in Sublime Text
- by oubiwann 32K Installs
Sublime Text 2 dark vim/terminal-inspired theme (Package Control plugin)
- by maltize 766 Installs
Sublime Text Code Test Switcher
- by kedder 12K Installs
Easy navigation in your python tracebacks
- by code-orchestra 1K Installs
COLT plugin for Sublime Text
- by ningbit 16K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to convert px to em with comments
- by mix86 ST3 5K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for integration with Atlassian Jira
- by andriyko 21K Installs
Robot Framework plugin for Sublime Text3
- by cb109 ST3 Win 4K Installs
:telephone_receiver: MAXScript support and remote code execution in 3ds Max from Sublime.
- by avenauche 306 Installs
Sublime Text Plugin to generate Get/Set methods
- by tknuth 17K Installs
LaTeX snippets for Sublime Text.
- by The Phalcon Team 3K Installs
Sublime Text syntax highlighting for for Zephir
- by The Phalcon Team 9K Installs
Volt syntax highlight for Sublime Text 2/Textmate
- by jaabell 466 Installs
Syntax highlighting and snippets for Finite Element Interpreter (UCD ESSI)
- by brianstarke 1K Installs
Sublime Text coffeescript snippets for the mocha testing framework
- by iceydee 3K Installs
Cex.io GHS/XBT exchange rate ticker for Sublime Text status bar. Based on BitcoinTicker (https://github.com/pheuter/BitcoinTicker)
- by oferei 26K Installs
Unity3D Completions - Sublime Text Plugin
- by carsonoid 1K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Support for Solars IPS package manifests.
- by Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz) ST3 465 Installs
This is a unittest harness for sublime plugins. Deferred test fixtures are supported, such that you give back control to sublime text, and continue with your test few ms later.
- by IanWold 19K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 color scheme, the same as Monokai dark, but has "true" gray backgrounds.
- by Globidev ST3 63K Installs
A sublime text plug-in for the students of 42
- by mateusortiz 2K Installs
Sunnyvale Theme for Sublime Text, Textmate and Chrome DevTools
- by skk 3K Installs
i3wm syntax for Sublime Text 2/3