- by NotSqrt 8K Installs
Cython syntax support for SublimeText
- by subhaze 105K Installs
CSS Completions, LESS Completions, SCSS Completions
- by mahmoudalismail 5K Installs
C0 for Sublime 2/3 that includes syntax highlighting & simple build system
- by saludes 819 Installs
No description provided
- by vlakarados 38K Installs
Monitoring changed files and status of the repository
- by dmitrievav ST3 2K Installs
GPG plugin for Sublime Text
- by RonanDrouglazet 91K Installs
Typescript auto completion with your project method name, and inject method manually with a module/class/method dictionary build from your TypeScript project
- by jobedom 17K Installs
Sublime Text theme
- by lengstrom 3K Installs
Evaluate mathematical expressions in selection regions inline (deprecated)
- by facelessuser ST3 1K Installs
Sublime Text notification plugin http://facelessuser.github.io/SubNotify/
- by SublimeText ST3 Win 12K Installs
Pywin32 support for sublime (win32api etc)
- by vlakarados 32K Installs
Ultra dark theme and color scheme for Sublime Text
- by mdsnj 399 Installs
Provides math mode tab completion in Sublime Text 2/3.
- by vmware-archive 12K Installs
Salt-related syntax highlighting and snippets for Sublime Text
- by Sergey Margaritov ST3 50K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for Sass scss syntax, using scss-lint
- by oschwald ST3 4K Installs
perlcritic linter for SublimeLinter3
- by oschwald ST3 8K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for perl -c
- by reekoheek ST3 6K Installs
No description provided
- by SublimeLinter ST3 58K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for C/C++, using clang
- by SublimeLinter ST3 94K Installs
Deprecated SublimeLinter 3 plugin for JSX - use ESLint instead
- by SublimeLinter ST3 14K Installs
LaTeX linter plugin for SublimeLinter 3, using chktex.
- by jolleyjoe ST2 Mac 397 Installs
Simple font chooser for sublime text 2 on OSX
- by mattchanner 70K Installs
IntelliJ Darkula Sublime Text / TextMate Color Scheme
- by byte-foundry 949 Installs
Prototypo Glyph Formula syntax highlighting package for SublimeText
- by hawkw 2K Installs
Minimal SublimeText colorschemes intended for use with the Spacegray UI.