- by SelimJB 80 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin that centers the view on the cursor's last position from the previous session upon file opening or view activation.
- by Jun-Software 20 Installs
JunLang sublime-text包
- by Benjamin Schaaf ST4 38 Installs
A BNF-style language for writing sublime-syntax files
- by Denny Korsukéwitz 125 Installs
This package searches and fetches files from GitHub.
- by SublimeText ST4 188 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to open folders as projects
- by hetalang 26 Installs
Plugin for Sublime text editor to highlight Heta language code.
- by lemorage 246 Installs
A dark-based elegant theme for Sublime Text
- by educbraga 149 Installs
A plugin for Sublime Text that allows you to open, focus, and close the sidebar with the same keyboard shortcut.
- by Heyu Lin 70 Installs
Sublime Text syntax package for FASTA format
- by smac89 ST4 Linux 139 Installs
Fix auto dark mode for sublime on Linux :sunglasses:
- by LivingLogic ST4 17 Installs
SublimeText syntax highlighting for UL4
- by Denny Korsukéwitz 50 Installs
This package quotes the selected area and adds a custom marker to it.
- by Eric Daniels ST4 22 Installs
Sublime Text Syntax Highlighter for Polar for Oso Cloud
- by kepano 418 Installs
An inky color scheme for Sublime Text.
- by mccann ST4 30 Installs
B2 Jam language support for Sublime Text
- by shadax1 5K Installs
Sublime Text plugin written in Python that counts specific words given by the user.
- by sublimelsp ST4 767 Installs
Biome LSP server for Sublime Text
- by giampaolo ST3 199 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for Makefiles
- by kapitanluffy ST4 188 Installs
🧭 Never get lost again navigating your code with Compass! Filter your list of open MRU tabs / files easily!
- by kaxing ST4 53 Installs
A sublime-text plugin that customizes the `untitled` name and adds numbering to each new buffer.
- by stepcg 69 Installs
Extreme FabricEngine config file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 4
- by Simone Mastromattei ST3 9K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to format files faster using prettierd
- by Pau1R 246 Installs
Sublime plugin that does math operations with numbers found in text (summarize, calculate expression, etc.)
- by gerardroche 34 Installs
Add, remove, and clears rulers.
- by gerardroche 323 Installs
Gitk Sublime Text integration.