- by HealsCodes 7K Installs
Sublime FASM-x86 is a syntax highlighting package for Sublime Text 2 with support for IA32/AMD64 assembler (intel syntax) and focus for use with FASM.
- by matthiasg ST2 1K Installs
Simple plugin which automatically runs mocha.
- by Keegan Street ST2 217 Installs
Press Command+Option+Shift+S to find the specificity of CSS selectors on the current line
- by ivershuo ST2 182 Installs
require Aweibo
- by aphex 2K Installs
Advanced ANT Build System for Sublime Text 2 enabling target selection.
- by testdouble 254 Installs
Sublime snippets and so forth
- by Kaizhi ST2 Win 707 Installs
Auto updater for Sublime Text 2 - currently Windows only
- by mctep 198 Installs
A textmate bundle for the Yate language
- by Eun ST2 478 Installs
CustomTasks Plugin for Sublime Text
- by LordBrom 18K Installs
Highlight duplicated lines in SublimeText 3
- by rorydriscoll 30K Installs
Various support files for making developing Lua using Sublime Text 2 more pleasant.
- by astropanic ST2 2K Installs
SublimeText2 line completion plugin
- by nh2 ST2 1K Installs
Arranging tabs in Sublime Text like in Chrome
- by temochka 1K Installs
A set of handy tools to use Sublime Text 2+ with Beanstalk
- by klangfarbe 282 Installs
Syntax definition and code snippets for Maperitive - a tool to render custom maps based on OpenStreetMap data.
- by btoews 31K Installs
Sublime Plugin to URL Encode/Decode
- by Naomichi Yamakita ST2 1K Installs
Count number of characters
- by fredericvauchelles 15K Installs
Sublime Unity3d Build
- by autokludge ST2 19K Installs
A codeigniter code intel helper for Sublime Text 2
- by agibsonsw ST2 17K Installs
JavaScript and jQuery completions
- by tkowalewski 50K Installs
Autocomplete functionallity for PHPUnit assertions.
- by agibsonsw ST2 11K Installs
Python completions and help
- by mreq 3K Installs
A custom dark Sublime Text 2/TextMate theme
- by villimagg 42K Installs
A Laravel Paste Bucket like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2
- by ignacysokolowski ST2 17K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin for wrapping text in HTML tags or stripping tags from selection