ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • QLSyntax

    by edoardopirovano ST3 162 Installs
    Syntax plugin for QL in Sublime Text 3
  • Marc Mentat Proc Highlighting

    by WesleyPeijnenburg ST3 453 Installs
    Language support for Sublime 3. Install in the 'user' folder which you can find via preferences -> browse packages
  • M4Expand

    by alextarrell 694 Installs
    An M4 plugin for Sublime
  • gmsh-Tools

    by sumeetksinha 1K Installs
    Gmsh snippets and syntax highlighting for gmsh (http://gmsh.info/)
  • gmESSI-Tools

    by sumeetksinha 278 Installs
    Syntax Highlighting and auto-completion rules for gmessi file (which is a semantic file written in python to tanslates from Gmsh to UCD ESSI (.fei) File Format).
  • AlgoLang

    by qraynaud ST3 3K Installs
    Sublime Text extension for AgoLang
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-stylelint_d

    by jo-sm ST3 3K Installs
    SublimeLinter plugin for stylelint_d
  • Tabletop Simulator Lua

    by rolandostar ST3 770 Installs
    A plugin for Sublime Text to load and write Lua Scripts for Tabletop Simulator.
  • SQF for VBS3

    by zahngol 1K Installs
    SQF Syntax Highlighting and Enhancement Features for VBS3
  • Skins

    by deathaxe ST3 22K Installs
    Easily switch theme and color scheme of Sublime Text with only one command.
  • Enki Theme

    by enkia ST3 23K Installs
    Enki Theme - A dark theme for Sublime Text
  • Intel HEX

    by seppestas 2K Installs
    Intel HEX file format syntax definition for Sublime Text
  • PHP Faker Completions

    by james2doyle 5K Installs
    Sublime Text completions for the fzaninotto/Faker package
  • F5 iRules

    by ArtiomL 1K Installs
    Sublime Text package for F5 iRules syntax highlighting and auto-completion
  • LocalizedMenu

    by zam1024t 212K Installs
    Localize Tool & Localized Menu for Sublime Text 2/3/4 End User. Localization with 简体中文(Simplified Chinese)/繁体中文(Traditional Chinese)/Русский(Russian)/Español(Spanish)/Հայերեն(Armenian)/Svenska(Swedish)/Français(French)/Português(Portuguese)/Deutsch(German)/Magyar(Hungarian)/Any other language.
  • NoDialogs

    by maximsmol 443 Installs
    Replace sluggish system file dialogs with a blazingly fast versatile input box.
  • CreativeCrocodile

    by Abban 104 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin to generate placeholder names in the style of MGSV's soldiers
  • RainbowDrops Inspired - Color Scheme

    by AhanM 5K Installs
    Bright on dark colourful themes for Sublime Text inspired by the popular RainbowDrops theme for Eclipse.
  • GBK Support

    by chengsu ST3 143K Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 plugin for editing and saving files encoded in GBK.
  • TtcnComplete

    by Hui Mi 945 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 plugin that offers auto-completion, Goto Definition and syntax highlight for TTCN-3 and ASN.1
  • Bitbake Syntax

    by Driim ST3 2K Installs
    Sublime Text 3 Bitbake Syntax
  • Scrapy

    by marco-lavagnino 2K Installs
    scrapy support for sublime text
  • Octo

    by mattmikolay 134 Installs
    Octo syntax highlighting in Sublime Text
  • KanaKana

    by mitsu-ksgr ST3 142 Installs
    Hiragana/Katakana converter for Sublime Text 3
  • Atomic Color Scheme

    by gerardbm 30K Installs
    Atomic color scheme for Sublime Text