- by samiransarii 4K Installs
🎨 Modern Theme for Sublime Text 3
- by jwortmann ST3 573 Installs
Image and color previews in Sublime Text
- by mario33881 172 Installs
BLIF (SIS' Berkeley Logic Interchange Format) syntax highlighter and autocompleter package for Sublime Text
- by yojeero 833 Installs
Sublime Text dark scheme
- by yojeero 1K Installs
Sublime Text light scheme
- by sambauers ST3 147 Installs
Adds support for ts-standard in SublimeLinter.
- by Marcool04 ST3 53 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for the Citation Style Language (CSL)
- by ryanpcmcquen 576 Installs
Adds a setting for showing or hiding the minimap.
- by karimlevallois ST3 11K Installs
Gruvbox Material Theme for Sublime Text
- by kevinfiol ST4 1K Installs
LOVE2D API support for Sublime Text 4
- by rhaiscript 106 Installs
Rhai syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
- by AlanLynn 651 Installs
A dark color scheme that lets your eyes relax
- by orgmir ST3 85 Installs
A Sublime Text package for the Mint language
- by LDprg ST3 843 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 Package for renaming files via Tab Context!
- by eriklins 322 Installs
SmartBASIC language syntax file for Sublime Text editor.
- by LDprg ST3 118 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 Package for Highlighting ISE UCF files for VHDL
- by spajak ST3 636 Installs
Sublime Text Linter for PowerShell Core
- by leoheck 200 Installs
POV-Ray syntax highlighter for Sublime Text
- by crazytexer 73 Installs
Sublime Text package that opens DOIs in a browser
- by saranrapjs 476 Installs
liquidsoap syntax definition for sublime text 3/4
- by Raphael Quintao ST3 683 Installs
Awesome Sublime Color Highlighter, Converter and Picker
- by coreboot ST3 95 Installs
read-only mirror of https://review.coreboot.org/sublime-text-coreboot-syntax
- by blurstudio ST2/ST3 Win 147 Installs
A Sublime Text 3/4 package that connects with the Debugger plugin to debug Python code in Maya
- by blurstudio ST2/ST3 Win 106 Installs
A debug adapter for debugging Python within Autodesk 3ds Max, using Sublime Text 3 and 4
- by tonsky 3K Installs
A color scheme for focused long-form writing