ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • SystemVerilog

    by TheClams 63K Installs
    Syntax Highlighting, smart snippets, autocompletion, code navigation and more for Verilog and SystemVerilog
  • SublimeHandcraft

    by remcoder ST2 100 Installs
    A Sublime Text 2 plugin for working with Handcraft prototypes
  • Rosetta Code Snippets

    by trishume ST2 493 Installs
    Sublime Text 2 plugin to insert snippets from rosetta code.
  • PasteSelOnClick

    by Clams 687 Installs
    Paste current selection where the user click without erasing clipboard. 2 mouse-binding are provided : - alt+right click for cut and paste - alt+ctrl+right click for copy and paste
  • SublimeGoogle

    by a1fred 8K Installs
    Google plugin for sublime text.
  • Haml

    by phuibonhoa 53K Installs
    HAML Bundle for Textmate
  • JsMinifier

    by cgutierrez ST2 40K Installs
    Sublime Text plugin for javascript minification using Google Closure compiler
  • Cucumber

    by drewda 41K Installs
    Sublime bundle for Cucumber
  • Backbone

    by tomasztunik 35K Installs
    Tab completions and snippets for Backbone.js (last updated @0.9.9) (JS + CS)
  • Search Stack Overflow

    by ericmartel 36K Installs
    Simple search on Stack Overflow utility for Sublime Text 2
  • Sublime TFS

    by CDuke Win 7K Installs
    Use TFS inside Sublime Text 2/3
  • Can I Use

    by Azd325 130K Installs
    Is a plugin for sublime text 2/3 for checking CSS property support
  • Twig

    by Sublime-Instincts 202K Installs
    A Sublime Text package that provides enhanced syntax highlighting, completions, snippets & more for PHP Twig templates.
  • ESP (EcmaScript Pages) Edit Mode

    by balazstth ST2 1K Installs
    ESP (EcmaScript Pages) edit mode for Sublime Text 2
  • SuperSettings

    by TobyGiacometti ST3 4K Installs
    A Sublime Text package that enables per-directory configuration.
  • Prevu

    by nijikokun ST2 3K Installs
    SublimeText -> Browser Preview
  • Drupal Snippets

    by juhasz 11K Installs
    Drupal snippets for Sublime Editor, converted from Vim snipMate drupal-snippets
  • SublimeGDB

    by quarnster 41K Installs
    GDB integration with Sublime Text 2
  • Themr

    by benweier 137K Installs
    A UI theme selector for Sublime Text.
  • Grandson-of-Obsidian

    by jfromaniello 6K Installs
    Textmate theme inspired in Obsidian
  • Calculate

    by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 16K Installs
    Calculations using python. Also provides some number-related functions, like counting (across multiple selections). With contributions from Subhas Dandapani (rdsubhas), Alexander Kirk (akirk), and Kroum Tzanev (kpym)
  • NaturalDocs

    by SublimeText ST2 735 Installs
    NaturalDocs package for SublimeText 2
  • INI

    by jwortmann 114K Installs
    Syntax highlighting for INI and REG files in Sublime Text
  • SplitScreen

    by spadgos ST2 6K Installs
    ST2 Plugin to create custom split screen ratios
  • SetDjangoSyntax

    by pjv ST2 9K Installs
    Sublime Text 2 plugin to set Python Django syntax for an open buffer when appropriate.