- by Phaiax ST3 34K Installs
TS 1.4+: completion, error highlighting, build, snippets, quickinfo, ...
- by NotSqrt ST3 3K Installs
Integration of Dennis, a Gettext linter, into SublimeLinter.
- by MDeiml 23K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for Java imports
- by sabhiram 9K Installs
SublimeText plugin to diff your clipboard against the current selection
- by AndreasBackx ST3 3K Installs
CSS and SCSS attribute type sorter for Sublime Text 3. THIS PROJECT HAS BEEN ABANDONED.
- by jakeconnor 2K Installs
Make all of Julia's UTF-8 autocompletions available in Sublime Text
- by DWand 6K Installs
A plugin for Sublime Text that adds apiDoc tags to list of code completion suggestions
- by nicolas-cherel 168 Installs
Configure (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Sublime Text through user configuration
- by Denny Korsukéwitz 18K Installs
This package streamlines the process of adding and removing folders to and from your projects. It provides a set of commands and context menu options to manage your project's folder structure directly from the editor.
- by TiborIntelSoft 139 Installs
Syntax higlighting for the Shuffle tool of Utrecht University
- by TiborIntelSoft 2K Installs
Attribute Grammar syntax highlighting for the Utrecht University Attribute Grammar System
- by idleberg 3K Installs
Color scheme inspired by the Hopscotch learning platform for kids
- by x3ns <ns@nsyed.com> 2K Installs
Sublime Text 3 - Colors Scheme: x3-alpha
- by domeide MacLinux 12K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to use Docker Language Stacks as build systems
- by MarkMichos Trending Top 25 1.11M Installs
1337 - A Color Scheme for dark Sublime Text
- by SublimeText Top 100 523K Installs
Vue syntax for Sublime Text
- by p3lim 9K Installs
Sublime Text - Hide the menu
- by ghiboz 290 Installs
syntax highlighter of gRally files for SublimeText
- by daguej 721 Installs
Inserts a `require()` statement snippet.
- by calculuswhiz 8K Installs
This is the greatest syntax definition of All Time
- by bigcakes ST3 2K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 Plugin for making working with macros less clunky
- by seiichisan ST3 293 Installs
HapoItak is a web-developr's powerful toolkit that can improve your HTML, JSP and JAVA workflow.
- by titoBouzout ST3 20K Installs
method/function/var autocomplete functionality for JavaScript /JS
- by uonick ST3 1 Installs
Dimmed UI (theme for ST3)
- by kmisiunas 4K Installs
Theme for writing articles in Sublime Text using Latex or Markdown