- by badstreff 7K Installs
The way auto-indenting should be by default in sublimetext.
- by Nelo Mitranim ST3 13K Installs
Sublime Text plugin that formats Rust code with rustfmt
- by ddry 1K Installs
CoffeeScript snippets for ddry data-driven DRY Node JS testing wrapper
- by frdmn 3K Installs
This ST2/3 package adds syntax highlighting for ".borkfiles"
- by radium-v 6K Installs
Cross-compatible syntax highlighting for Less
- by xxxzc ST3 3K Installs
An adaptive flat theme based on 'Theme - Default/adaptive' that can adapt to almost all color schemes.
- by santi-h 1K Installs
Sublime package to build and send commands to clipboard depending on file.
- by SublimeText ST3 7K Installs
Mustache syntax and snippets for Sublime Text
- by MattSutherlin ST3 5K Installs
HLSL syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3
- by odin-lang ST3 4K Installs
Odin syntax definition for Sublime Text
- by oleg-shilo ST3 2K Installs
Favorites list for Sublime Text 3
- by SublimeText ST3 26K Installs
Color schemes that were part of Sublime Text 2 and older builds of Sublime Text 3
- by ngr-t 5K Installs
ST3 Plugin providing word jump based on Japanese word segmentation by TinySegmenter
- by Magebinary 881 Installs
No description provided
- by sonokamome 298 Installs
A simple StrapdownJS Boilerplate!
- by RantLang ST3 14 Installs
Rant syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
- by doobleweb ST3 4K Installs
A Sublime Editor plugin that can display RTL content correctly
- by lightify97 2K Installs
A color scheme for sublime text.
- by hajnalben ST3 956 Installs
Open the required javascript files with a mouseclick in SublimeText3
- by eduzappa18 ST3 196 Installs
MOHAA Scripting Languages syntax highlighting, code snippets, completions and tooltips for Sublime Text
- by electricimp ST3 283 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plug-in for Electric Imp applications development
- by byCedric ST3 Mac 111 Installs
A Sublime Text integration for swaglint
- by irvinlim ST3 4K Installs
SublimeLinter 3 plugin for NGINX config files, using nginx-lint (using https://github.com/temoto/nginx-lint).
- by candid82 ST3 340 Installs
Clojure linter for SublimeText (via Joker)
- by clocklear ST3 2K Installs
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to gosimple.