ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • TWiki

    by darryllawson 3K Installs
    Sublime Text package that provides language support for the TWiki and Foswiki markup language
  • Artisan

    by Narven ST2 1K Installs
    Sublime Text plugin to replace Laravel Artisan CLI (NO LONGER MAINTAINED)
  • Coco R Syntax Highlighting

    by mschoebel 981 Installs
    Coco/R syntax highlighting package for Sublime Text 2/3
  • Floobits

    by Floobits 39K Installs
    Real-time collaboration plugin for Sublime Text 2/3. Remote pair programming done right.
  • LoremText

    by Evan Yu ST2 4K Installs
    Generate random or fixed lorem ipsum placeholder text.
  • Codecs33

    by seanliang ST3 MacLinux 142K Installs
    CJK library files missing in the embedded Python of Sublime Text 3
  • PHP MySQLi connection

    by misalazovic 48K Installs
    PHP MySQLi connection is a Sublime Text 2 snippet for fast creation of PHP MySQLi connection script
  • Vintage-Origami

    by garyc40 5K Installs
    Origami shortcut keys for Vintage users
  • Derby

    by rossedman 3K Installs
    Bourbon & Neat Sublime Text Snippets & Auto Completions
  • Traverse

    by jugyo ST2 135 Installs
    Sublime Text 2 plugin to traverse directories and open file
  • ControlScroll

    by benjajaja ST2 430 Installs
    Sublime text 2 plugin for fast ctrl+mousewheel scrolling, Eclipse style
  • Paste to paste.pm

    by while1eq1 ST2 77 Installs
    A SublimeText 2 plugin to paste code to paste.pm
  • MinimalFortran

    by 315234 17K Installs
    Minimal symbol and syntax matching for Fortran in Sublime Text
  • LiveScript

    by paulmillr 10K Installs
    A TextMate, Chocolat and Sublime Text bundle for LiveScript
  • Google Reader

    by speg ST2 328 Installs
    a sublime plugin for google reader
  • Oddly

    by laktak 1K Installs
    Adds a command to split your selection into lines where only every 2nd/3rd/.. line is added.
  • UnrealScriptIDE

    by Zinggi 6K Installs
    Auto-completion, Syntax Highlighting, Go to Declaration, Build and Run and more..
  • SyntaxChecker

    by srilumpa ST2 5K Installs
    A SublimeText 2 plugin that will check the syntax of script files when saved
  • Hacker News Reader

    by Dimillian ST2 494 Installs
    Read Hacker News front page right from Sublime Text.
  • Increment Selection

    by yulanggong 52K Installs
    Add a number to each selection in Sublime Text, incremented once per selection
  • Koken

    by koken 771 Installs
    Sublime Text snippets for Koken
  • PHP Haml

    by xt99 13K Installs
    PHP HAML syntax support for Sublime Text 2/3
  • Code Runner

    by WarWithinMe 17K Installs
    A simple plugin to allow you to run the current file, and show the result. ST3 support is in SublimeText3 branch
  • DFML (for Dwarf Fortress raws)

    by philipguin 298 Installs
    A simple DFML (Dwarf Fortress Markup Language) package for the Sublime 2 IDE! Allows Sublime 2 to syntax highlight DFML via scoping rules.
  • Opa

    by MLstate ST2 282 Installs
    Opa mode for Sublime Text