- by SublimeText ST2 23K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to mimic a block cursor in Vintage command mode.
- by minism ST2 428 Installs
Operations on text selections for SublimeText2
- by titoBouzout ST3 111K Installs
Guess encoding of files, show in status bar, convert to UTF-8 from a variete of encodings..
- by SublimeText 44K Installs
Sticky Selection
- by spadgos 11K Installs
ST2 Plugin for toggling quote marks
- by robcowie ST2 733 Installs
Post to and fetch from dpaste.com, lodgeit and pastie.org. Non-blocking, url-to-clipboard, auth support
- by SublimeText Trending Top 25 1.18M Installs
Sublime Text package bundle for jQuery
- by aparajita ST2/ST3 2K Installs
Cappuccino bundle for Sublime Text
- by kvs 11K Installs
Emacs-like Modelines for Sublime Text 2
- by SublimeText Win 8K Installs
Plugin that enables comparison of the last 2 activated buffers (even in different windows) using WinDiff (Windows only).
- by SublimeText ST2 3K Installs
Simple command processor for Sublime Text.
- by rozboris ST3 3K Installs
Sublime Tweet is an open source twitter plugin for Sublime Text 2 editor. It allows you to tweet right from our favorite Sublime Text 2!
- by spadgos Top 25 1.20M Installs
Simplifies writing DocBlock comments in Javascript, PHP, CoffeeScript, Actionscript, C & C++
- by fbzhong ST2 21K Installs
Google Closure Linter support for Sublime Text 2
- by Will Bond (wbond) ST2 Win 12K Installs
Keyboard shortcuts and menu entries to execute TortoiseSVN, TortoiseHg and TortoiseGit commands
- by SublimeText ST2 861 Installs
Vim-like modelines for Sublime Text.
- by spadgos ST2 4K Installs
CSS specificity calculator for Sublime Text 2
- by Fredrik Ehnbom (quarnster) ST2 36K Installs
C/C++/ObjC/ObjC++ autocompletions and code navigation
- by hieuh25 1K Installs
Paste code quickly from Sublime Text to dpaste.com
- by mrmartineau 133K Installs
Placeholder HTML & content (lorem ipsum) package for Sublime Text 2
- by ehamiter 29K Installs
Sublime Text plugin that shows selected text on remote GitHub or Bitbucket repo
- by Kevin Yank 8K Installs
Quickly create hyperlinks from selected text or clipboard contents
- by liamcain ST2 11K Installs
Autocompletes Java Methods in Sublime Text 2
- by Paaskehare 5K Installs
Simple plugin to paste the current selection to a pastebin and return the URL to the clipboard
- by SublimeText ST2 43K Installs
Pear Php_beautifier plugin for Sublime Text 2