- by kvark ST3 650 Installs
Rusty Object Notation syntax scheme
- by luwes 371 Installs
JsModules is a Sublime Text Plug-in to convert CJS modules to ES modules.
- by cgjosephlee 4K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to increase/decrease selected values.
- by bowphp ST3 118 Installs
This package adds syntax definitions for Bow Tintin
- by je-poy 1K Installs
Snippets for creating ExtJs Components, ViewController and Classes
- by klorenz, evandrocoan 738 Installs
Forked from the Bitbuket mercurial repository, this allows you to browse and edit sublime preferences/settings, without writing JSON files.
- by idleberg 1K Installs
Sublime Text support for Gettext
- by btrekkie 6K Installs
Sublime Text plugin that performs hard word wrapping within specified sections, in real time as the user types
- by p3lim 8K Installs
Sublime Text - Format Terraform files when saving
- by vovayatsyuk ST3 936 Installs
Magically simple PHP templates
- by dten ST3 312 Installs
Pest syntax for Sublime Text 3.0
- by notiv-nt 1K Installs
No description provided
- by jpetrucciani, wuz 4K Installs
A danker, more neon theme for sublime text.
- by theacodes 514 Installs
Witch Hazel color scheme package for Sublime Text
- by jgirardet ST3 947 Installs
Sublime Text integration for Poetry
- by dhelonious ST3 3K Installs
Automatically add pipenv virtual environment paths to th Sublime Text 3 environment.
- by argyleink ST3 231 Installs
80's dark retro theme for VS Code and Sublime Text
- by MartinBonde ST3 Win 84 Installs
Syntax files and more to support gamY in SublimeText3. gamY is a macro langauge built on top of GAMS.
- by HuygensING ST3 3K Installs
Sublime Syntax for TAGML
- by predragnikolic MacLinux 4K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin that lets you see all modified files and preview their changes.
- by shwk86 2K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for stepwise alignment of multiple alignment characters
- by louk-lang 33 Installs
Sublime syntax highlighting for Louk
- by guija ST3 413 Installs
No description provided
- by guija ST3 257 Installs
PL1 PL/I Language support plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by esoftplay 138 Installs
esoftplay snippets on sublimeText