- by DamnWidget 6K Installs
Digia PySide and Riverbank's PyQt bindings for Qt on Python Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3 support
- by StephaneBunel 154K Installs
Python PEP8 Autoformat is a Sublime Text (2|3) plugin to interactively reformat Python source code according
to PEP8 (Style Guide for Python Code).
- by euler0 47K Installs
GLSL Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text 2, 3, and 4
- by wrbing728 15K Installs
- by fitnr 37K Installs
Sublime Text package for tidying CSS.
- by electricgraffitti 2K Installs
Cube2Media Sublime Text 2 Theme
- by charlesroper 9K Installs
A dark and vibrant syntax theme for Sublime Text.
- by ALLZ 7K Installs
Sublime Text 2 & 3 plugin to change numeral system
- by agibsonsw Top 100 328K Installs
HTML(5) attribute completions
- by dreadatour 5K Installs
RPM Spec files syntax definition for Sublime Text 2
- by theymaybecoders 177K Installs
Tomorrow Color Schemes for SublimeText 2
- by hoest 8K Installs
SublimeText Snippets for XSLT (originated from TextMate XSLT snippets)
- by glyph ST2 659 Installs
Emacs keybindings for the Sublime Text editor.
- by kairyou 160K Installs
Create File From Templates for ST2/ST3.
- by kazshu 7K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Rspec Snippets
- by jonasdp ST2 1K Installs
Sublime Text 2 package for uploading/downloading code snippets to/from Snipplr.
- by SublimeText ST2 551 Installs
Minimal testing framework for Sublime Text packages. (beta)
- by farcaller 90K Installs
Open the selected text or text under cursor in Dash documentation browser
- by SergiJuanola 4K Installs
Andrew is a lightweight Android Development Project for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3. It makes use of Monitor to get a fully functional environment for Android development, without the hassle of a big IDE.
- by JohnNilsson 12K Installs
Awk syntax highlighting in Sublime Text
- by mediaupstream 7K Installs
Encrypt and Decrypt a document or selection using OpenSSL in Sublime Text 2 & 3
- by rcaldwel 935 Installs
Sublime Text DNS query plugin
- by datevid 7K Installs
Este es un paquete de Sublime Text el cual incluye snippets, fragmentos de codigo para el uso del tipos de documentos html
- by elixir-editors 54K Installs
A TextMate and Sublime Text Bundle for the Elixir programming language
- by daaain 155K Installs
Fullest Handlebars.js templating support for Sublime Text 2 / 3. Also drives syntax colouring on Github and in Visual Studio Code. Install from: https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Handlebars.