- by FichteFoll 3K Installs
Dims visible but inactive panes in group views
- by atroxell ST2 1K Installs
No description provided
- by bkeller2 633 Installs
Mplus syntax highlighting for sublime text 2.
- by ternjs 37K Installs
Sublime Text package adding Tern support
- by eiji.ienaga ST2 Mac 88 Installs
Easy Open file helper tool. mac only
- by SublimeText 80 Installs
The official bug tracking for Sublime Text, powered by us.
- by nathanleiby 1K Installs
Sublime Text support for the ChucK language
- by davidpeckham 37K Installs
Quickly find all lines matching a string or regular expression
- by yrammos 4K Installs
LilyPond syntax highlighting in Sublime Text 2 and 3.
- by s-a 47K Installs
A Sublime Text Refactor Plugin for Javascript Code
- by Tian-Changsong 25K Installs
Automatically generate verilog module ports,instance and instance connections ,for sublime text 2&3
- by huntlyc 19K Installs
Some helpful additions to Sublime Text if you do a lot of wordpress sites: Swith DBs, Toggle Debug and quickly access your config file
- by gs ST2 2K Installs
Sublime Text Plugin for Go To File
- by robballou 24K Installs
Sublime Text 2 language file for .gitconfig and .gitignore files
- by iiAtlas ST2 0 Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin allowing for inline Google searching
- by unphased 5K Installs
Adds the path of current file into status bar
- by lcdsantos 26K Installs
CSSFontFamily is a Sublime Text plugin with a collection of font stacks autocomplete.
- by tynril 512 Installs
This Sublime Text 2 plugin enables the usage of Premake from within Sublime Text, and provides a portable multi-files build system using it.
- by michfield ST3 11K Installs
Markdown preview plugin for Sublime Text 3 using Strapdown.js. No server-side processing is required as Strapdown.js is purely browser-based Markdown converter using Twitter Bootstrap for theming support.
- by bradfeehan 13K Installs
A plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3, which visualises PHP code coverage data in the editor.
- by bitbonsai ST2 5K Installs
JSHint HTML files or other files that contains script tags. Requires node.js
- by mlf4aiur 2K Installs
A plugin for post markup to Confluence in Sublime 2/3
- by rodrigoflores ST2 215 Installs
Inserts today's date on Sublime
- by Idered 260 Installs
Snippets for Esuna Framework
- by clslrns ST2 351 Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin, which make Bitrix development easy