- by Max Hegler 646 Installs
A comprehensive syntax, autocompletion, and snippet package for Miva Script & MVT.
- by jbrooksuk ST3 6K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to display function tooltips
- by seregatte 9K Installs
Provide some Ansible Snippets to SublimeText
- by josh-kaplan 11K Installs
A slightly modified and extended version of Monokai based on Monokai Extened with support added for highlighted levels of JSON based on MonokaiJSON+.
- by kfog ST3 546 Installs
Sublime Text 3 web2py plugin
WIP, not production ready yet
- by peaceant 21K Installs
gruvbox is a retro groove color scheme for Sublime Text
- by bcorcoran 4K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 package for viewing tab-delimited files
- by Guidebook ST3 5K Installs
Syntax highlighting for CJSX in Sublime Text 3
- by dfinninger 2K Installs
ChefSpec for Sublime
- by whitequark ST3 12K Installs
Rainbowth is a Sublime Text 3 plugin that highlights matching parentheses in Lisp source code.
- by thecodechef 1K Installs
Swig Snippets for Sublime
- by vboctor 104 Installs
No description provided
- by markdleblanc ST3 MacLinux 78 Installs
File synchronization and comparison for Sublime Text.
- by odtorres 1K Installs
:punch: A collection of sublime text snippets useful for coding Alfresco webscripts, scripts, forms, content models and -context.xml.
- by Andrey Vasnetsov aka generall 45K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for automatic code alignment.
- by Nevensky ST3 43K Installs
Fortran syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3
- by mjkaufer 2K Installs
:game_die: A Sublime Text package which simulates Conway's Game of Life through your Sublime Text file's contents!
- by xinchaobeta 3K Installs
[DEPRECATED] a sublime plugin for compiling the selected es6 code on the fly, since the babel sublime plugin did not provide this feature
- by patriciogonzalezvivo MacLinux 4K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for live coding GLSL Shaders
- by krizalys 224 Installs
Portage package for Sublime Text.
- by willbrazil ST3 374 Installs
No description provided
- by r3a1ay ST3 5K Installs
Flat UI theme for Sublime Text 3 with dynamic colors.
- by RobinWragg ST3 1K Installs
Syntax highlighting, autocompletion, and Goto Symbol/Anything for the Jai language in Sublime Text.
- by cjltsod 46K Installs
Chinese Lorem for sublime
- by maxehmookau 469 Installs
Group of Sublime Text snippets for thoughtbot/shoulda-matchers