- by SublimeText-Markdown 13 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to copy code blocks in Markdown files or open them in new tab
- by Kostasn2 2 Installs
This is a package for sublime text, for syntax highlighting the Greek programming/scripting pseudo-language PLI10.
- by id-sakurata 17 Installs
Sublime plugin autocomplete css.
- by cepthomas ST4 7 Installs
Enhanced bookmarks plugin for Sublime Text with persistence and selectable traversal range.
- by cepthomas ST4 7 Installs
Note taking plugin for Sublime Text: markup syntax for coloring plain text files, links and references, search.
- by papierkorp 10 Installs
Syntax highlight for the go templ Plugin
- by cepthomas ST4 WinLinux 3 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for rendering a view to html for printing etc. Understands markdown.
- by cepthomas ST4 WinLinux 15 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for highlighting text, with persistence and user scopes and colors.
- by sublimelsp ST4 16 Installs
Twig support for Sublime’s LSP plugin
- by patopesto ST4 2 Installs
Sublime Text 4 syntax for charmbracelet's VHS tape files
- by sublimelsp ST4 32 Installs
Sass support for Sublime’s LSP plugin through Some Sass language server
- by keith-hall ST4 35 Installs
Sublime Text plugin and Python package to determine the YAML (and JSON) Path of a particular position in a document, compatible with `yq`/`jq`. Shows the path in the ST status bar, like breadcrumb navigation.
- by yaroslavyaroslav ST4 20 Installs
Counts [chatgpt] tokens of selected text and presents it in phantom.
- by STealthy-and-haSTy ST4 6 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to help identify the GitHub CODEOWNERS of the current file
- by ysdragon ST3 13 Installs
Ring syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by vlasikhin ST3 90 Installs
Aethra is a minimalist color scheme for Sublime Text, designed with simplicity and clarity in mind.
- by IPWright83 12 Installs
Provides a test explorer within Sublime for rapid navigation within a file
- by IPWright83 ST3 38 Installs
A Sublime Plugin for automatically closing tabs with a certain prefix
- by sublimelsp ST3 60 Installs
Vue support for Sublime's LSP plugin through Vetur (DEPRECATED)
- by JohhannasReyn 5 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to sort the selected lines or the lines in a document by length, purely for asthetics.
- by Kostasn2 6 Installs
This is a package for sublime text, for syntax highlighting the programming/scripting language Piranha
- by ghyatzo 66 Installs
A Sublime Text Color Theme
- by pxninja 11 Installs
Generate random, alpha-numeric tokens within Sublime Text.
- by stuartelimu 93 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin to toggle sidebar and reveal file
- by macMikey 8 Installs
No description provided