ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • CommentAnyWhere

    by dongchao-cn ST2 713 Installs
    No description provided
  • Open project path by shortcut

    by shagabutdinov ST2 712 Installs
    Sublime open file/project folder
  • Direct Open

    by unifreak 711 Installs
    Directly open frequently used file in sublime text 3
  • Kohana 3 Snippets

    by temperedvision 711 Installs
    Kohana 3 snippets for use in Sublime Text 2 & 3. Originally adapted from Textmate 2 Package (https://github.com/kohana/Kohana.tmbundle)
  • Vintage Relative Lines

    by bicarlsen ST3 711 Installs
    Relative numbering for Sublime Text's Vintage mode.
  • Axios Snippets

    by cvhau 711 Installs
    A collections of [axios](https://github.com/axios/axios) API snippets for [Sublime Text](http://www.sublimetext.com)
  • Extract Lines

    by poma 710 Installs
    Quickly extract all unique or duplicate lines
  • Programmatic Key Bindings

    by VonHeikemen ST3 710 Installs
    Declare your keybinding in sublime text using Python
  • Open in Relevant Window

    by dt 710 Installs
    If you use multiple sublime windows, try to open files in the right one
  • EnhancedReadline

    by daytonn 710 Installs
    EnhancedReadline is a Sublime Text package that fixes some default readline keybindings that are not bound by Sublime. It also adds some readline-style keybindings for Sublime line editing features.
  • MapfileSyntax

    by szinggeler ST3 709 Installs
    Colors in Sublime Text 3 for Mapfiles used in MapServer
  • BinViewer

    by AetelFinch ST3 708 Installs
    A Sublime Text package that allows you to see the binary notation of a decimal or hexadecimal number
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-tlint

    by tighten ST3 708 Installs
  • Dependents

    by dependents 708 Installs
    Navigate front-end codebases in Sublime Text 2/3
  • Updater

    by Kaizhi ST2 Win 707 Installs
    Auto updater for Sublime Text 2 - currently Windows only
  • Date

    by ololduck ST2 703 Installs
    No description provided
  • Expect

    by mokkabonna 703 Installs
    Snippets for expect.js assertions
  • K Framework

    by Zhomart 700 Installs
    Syntax highlighting for semantic framework K. Read more on http://kframework.org
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-cheetah-flake

    by jdb8 ST3 698 Installs
    A SublimeLinter plugin for cheetah-flake (https://github.com/asottile/cheetah_lint)
  • Responsys Built-In Function

    by tatky 698 Installs
    Syntax highlighting and keyword completions for Oracle Responsys Built-In Function on Sublime Text 2 and 3
  • Gauche

    by nomnel 697 Installs
    Gauche(one of major Scheme implementation) syntax highlighting for SublimeText 2
  • NPMInfo

    by dsteinbach ST2 697 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin for displaying NPM information such as version, description, properties and methods, as well as a quick link to the repo and a link to open the package.json file.
  • ScalaScript

    by ciasia ST3 695 Installs
    A ScalaScript syntax parser for Sublime Text
  • SunCycle

    by smhg ST3 694 Installs
    Sublime Text layout switch based on sunrise and sunset at your location.
  • Kusto Syntax Highlighter

    by mmanela 692 Installs
    Provide syntax highlighting for kusto language in sublime