ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • Kodery

    by tgvashworth 61 Installs
    Kodery for Sublime Text 2
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-webhare

    by WebHare ST3 MacLinux 61 Installs
    HareScript linter for SublimeLinter
  • Hookblime

    by Pafsis ST2 61 Installs
    Flexible and generic plugin to hook onto sublime's file state events
  • How2

    by 0nkery ST3 61 Installs
    How2-rs plugin for Sublime Text 3.
  • ReqsLang

    by petarjs 61 Installs
    Syntax definition for a small & simple requirements language
  • Feedwhack

    by rcraggs 60 Installs
    No description provided
  • ChecksumUPC

    by Darimart 60 Installs
    A plugin for Sublime Text 3 that adds the checkdigit to selected 11 digit UPC-As
  • RDate Editor

    by sergeyegorovplw Win 60 Installs
    No description provided
  • XPX

    by infocosme ST3 60 Installs
    Add XPX syntax to Sublime Text
  • ESpec

    by retgoat MacLinux 60 Installs
    Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for ESpec BDD framework for Elixir.
  • Devhelp

    by amezin ST3 59 Installs
    Devhelp integration for Sublime Text
  • gmESSI-gmsh Tools

    by SumeetSinha 59 Installs
    A sublime Plugin for the GmshTranslator that translates from Gmsh to UCD ESSI (.fei) File Format
  • Npackd

    by idleberg 59 Installs
    Syntax completions and snippets for creating Npackd XML files

    by MOM ST3 Win 59 Installs
    This plugin adds RS-Balance 3 completions and some IDE-like functions to Sublime Text 3
  • Zukan Icon Theme

    by 53v3n3d4 ST4 59 Installs
    Icon theme for Sublime Text editor
  • Yollama

    by mwa ST4 MacLinux 58 Installs
    No description provided
  • Solisp

    by stuin 58 Installs
    Sublime package for solisp syntax highlighting
  • MrIgor

    by tisto ST3 MacLinux 58 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 plugin for mr.igor.
  • Magpie

    by Silectis ST3 57 Installs
    Custom syntax highlighting for Silectis Magpie's DSL, Magpie script
  • Rocks

    by jonesambrosi 57 Installs
    This project have continuous integration testing for automating code coverage in realtime for Python on SublimeText. This plugin simplify development process and check more quickly the problems
  • cslint

    by molee1905 ST3 Mac 57 Installs
    cslint for sublime text 3
  • Kroman

    by victorteokw ST3 57 Installs
    Kroman Sublime Text 3 Plugin
  • Preside CMS

    by pixl8-brayden ST3 57 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 Package
  • UXCore

    by recurrying 57 Installs
    UXCore plugin(package) for sublime
  • Libretto

    by BuildBuilder ST3 56 Installs
    Libretto syntax definition