- by chrisparnin ST2 650 Installs
Automatic checkins to local git repository (Sublime Text)
- by Philipp Kitzberger 650 Installs
This plugin provides a tiny helper when editing TypoScript files
- by linkarys 650 Installs
A plugin for quick load / search any docs
- by idleberg ST3 Win 649 Installs
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to ISCC, the Inno Setup compiler
- by MakiseKurisu 648 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin providing syntax highlighting for MARIE assembly code based on The Essentials of Computer Organization and Architecture, Third edition.
- by bjorhn 647 Installs
Sublime Text 2 syntax highlighting for Valve's VDF languages.
- by swdunlop 647 Installs
A Xiki Clone for Sublime Text 2/3
- by pyzhangxiang ST2 647 Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to set file readonly or writable based on "Toggle Read-Only"
- by KCPS ST3 647 Installs
KCPS Settings and Theme for ST3
- by padawan-php ST3 MacLinux 645 Installs
A ST3 plugin for padawan.php completion server
- by unclecheese ST3 645 Installs
Automatically emulate typing text from your clipboard
- by PapaCharlie 644 Installs
SublimeText 3 Plugin for making Wolfram|Alpha queries
- by arshiacont 644 Installs
Antescofo Language Package and Plugins for Sublime Text Editor
- by KubeRoot ST3 644 Installs
Sublime Text syntax highlighting for Particle Reverse Polish Language
- by geekpradd 644 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to view Sphere Online Judge problem content from the GUI
- by microsoft ST3 642 Installs
DEPRECATED -- DevSkim plugin for Sublime Text 3.
- by Josh Karlin ST3 642 Installs
Shows Chromium code cross-references from cs.chromium.org
- by PyaeSoneAungRgn ST3 642 Installs
A sublime package to run the Laravel Filament Artisan CLI directly within the Sublime Text interface, without the need to open or use the command line.
- by motine ST3 642 Installs
include source code files unobtrusively in markdown notes (a Sublime Text 3 plugin)
- by rwols ST3 641 Installs
Displays the mode of each window in the status bar.
- by fhightower-tc 641 Installs
Sublime Text snippets for writing scripts that use ThreatConnect's TCEX module.
- by yyjhao 640 Installs
pyxl syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by tellnobody1 ST3 640 Installs
No description provided
- by Atbox 640 Installs
Plays epic sound clips when you write epic code on sublime Text!
- by Max Hegler 640 Installs
A comprehensive syntax, autocompletion, and snippet package for Miva Script & MVT.