- by benoitduval ST3 132 Installs
Paste code to your Redmine Pastie plugin
- by digitrev 132 Installs
Syntax highlighting for KoLMafia's ASH scripting language
- by mem-dev 132 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to send snippets to your mem.dev account
- by gerardroche ST3 131 Installs
NeoVintageous Colemak mappings.
- by nicholastay ST3 131 Installs
A "streamer mode" for Sublime Text 3.
- by noelmurasko 131 Installs
Syntax highlighting for Asymptote in Sublime Text.
- by GiovanH ST3 130 Installs
No description provided
- by thespacedoctor 130 Installs
Sublime Text Snippets for fundamentals: https://github.com/thespacedoctor/fundamentals
- by Superxwolf 130 Installs
This is a Sublime Text 3 plugin for Nakama which includes all server documentation
- by drewcrawford, dunkelstern ST3 MacLinux 130 Installs
SourceKit can crash more than just Xcode
- by gerardvh ST3 129 Installs
A language syntax for the Sightly language embedded in html.
- by nbeversl ST3 129 Installs
Urtext is a headless plaintext framework for writing and information management. For desktop use (PC/Mac/Linux) Urtext is implemented in Sublime Text.
- by atecon ST3 129 Installs
Sublime support for hansl scripting language: syntax-highlighting, auto-complete, snippets
- by Oleg Shcherbyna ST3 129 Installs
Sublime Text 3 Syntax Plugin
- by tsvi ST3 129 Installs
Specman package for sublime text
- by gnat ST4 129 Installs
Hyperscript syntax highlighting for Sublime Text. (_hyperscript, HTMX)
- by jfromaniello ST2 Linux 129 Installs
It keeps a list of recents open folders in ubuntu unity launcher
- by drew-wallace ST3 129 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to make resolving merge conflicts easier. Based on Visual Studio Code's method.
- by Syncrossus ST3 128 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 package for compiling Scopus Advanced Search queries.
- by marekkaczkowski ST2 128 Installs
Paste link from clipboard as anchor tag
- by matsukido ST4 128 Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text 4 that displays current function names
- by mattmikolay 128 Installs
Octo syntax highlighting in Sublime Text
- by Daniel Gooß ST3 128 Installs
Language definition for Trainz Config.txt files for VSCode
- by archydragon ST3 127 Installs
Janet language support for Sublime Text
- by featurist 126 Installs
PogoScript support for TextMate