ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • Mint Lang

    by orgmir ST3 85 Installs
    A Sublime Text package for the Mint language
  • RulerProximityIndicator

    by monsieurluge ST3 85 Installs
    Ruler Proximity Indicator plugin for Sublime Text
  • Hyle

    by Hyle-Script 85 Installs
    This package is designed to help reading and writing .hyle files.
  • WebHare

    by WebHare ST3 MacLinux 85 Installs
    WebHare integration for Sublime Text
  • PureCM

    by PureCM 85 Installs
    Supports PureCM checkout, add, delete, revert, diff, history, update, submit and
  • gamY

    by MartinBonde ST3 Win 84 Installs
    Syntax files and more to support gamY in SublimeText3. gamY is a macro langauge built on top of GAMS.
  • Subtitle Sync

    by apiad ST2 84 Installs
    A tiny plugin for changing sync of subtitle files in Sublime Text
  • GoEscape

    by shellzen ST3 Linux 83 Installs
    GoEscape higlight lines that escapes to heap
  • VarScoper

    by rcastagno ST2 83 Installs
    VarScoper integration for Sublime Text 2
  • Graciela

    by GracielaUSB 82 Installs
    Resaltador de sintaxis del lenguaje Graciela para el editor Sublime Text
  • Kirikae

    by dvcrn 82 Installs
    Quickly jump to a open tabs / files
  • klog

    by jotaen ST3 81 Installs
    klog time tracking support for Sublime Text
  • Crollow

    by purefan 81 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 Project Name Generator
  • NeoVintageousDvorak

    by gerardroche ST3 81 Installs
    NeoVintageous Dvorak mappings.
  • FileWatcher

    by kapitanluffy ST4 81 Installs
    Adds support to broadcasting file events to Sublime Text
  • Dhall

    by lawrencebell ST3 80 Installs
    Dhall syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
  • Issues

    by SublimeText 80 Installs
    The official bug tracking for Sublime Text, powered by us.
  • Inspr

    by wzhix ST3 80 Installs
    A CN-EN translation plugin that helps Chinese programmers to name variables.
  • Freya

    by mistydemeo 80 Installs
    Loose adaptation of Georg Dahn's Freya for Sublime Text / TextMate
  • HISE Script

    by Levitanus ST3 79 Installs
    Tool for better scripting hise inside ST3

    by Heyu Lin 79 Installs
    Sublime Text syntax package for FASTA format
  • PloneReload

    by maethu ST2 79 Installs
    plone.reload support for Sublime Text 2
  • StepList

    by dhodges ST2 78 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin. Displays all RSpec/Cucumber steps in the current project
  • SyncR

    by markdleblanc ST3 MacLinux 78 Installs
    File synchronization and comparison for Sublime Text.
  • Shadowenv

    by Shopify ST3 78 Installs
    No description provided