- by dgjnpr 322 Installs
Sublime Text 2 Package for SLAX language
- by m-bartlett ST3 321 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to support adjusting the font size in each view individually (the default font size commands adjust it globally across all views).
- by trych 321 Installs
A Sublime Text package that overrides Sublime's default line swapping to work in a more predictable way
- by alex-trueman ST3 321 Installs
Sublime Text 3 syntax definition, snippets, and commenting for Datamine macros
- by nia40m ST3 321 Installs
Sublime 3 plugin that shows a number in 10, 16, 2 and 8 numeral systems
- by Fegelein21 ST3 319 Installs
EraBasic syntax package for Sublime Text 3. The syntax and keywords refer to Emuera Wiki
- by lojoja ST3 319 Installs
Syntax highlighting for EdgeMax EdgeOS.
- by davidson16807 319 Installs
Ctrl+IJKL to move. Other keys toggle move behavior. You can move by characters, words, search results, and more.
- by ToTamire ST4 WinLinux 318 Installs
Verilog and SystemVerilog automation with Sublime Text 4
- by CatchABus ST3 318 Installs
NativeScript Core XML syntax highlighter support for Sublime Text
- by gerph ST3 318 Installs
SublimeText syntax mode for BBC BASIC files
- by AustinTruex68 317 Installs
Easy file hider plugin built for Sublime Text 3
- by dpinney 317 Installs
A Sublime Text 2 package for working with Gridlab-D glm files.
- by minimedj ST2 317 Installs
Sublime plugin that creates ErlDoc template from selected spec.
- by kaelspencer ST3 316 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin to launch project specific tools and such via subprocess.
- by KristianHolsheimer ST3 316 Installs
Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting for Cosmos Scope
- by bluekitchen 316 Installs
Sublime Text 3 Plugin to Convert ASCI HCI Dumps from BTstack
- by JeanMarcosDaRosa 315 Installs
Python Normalizer Sublime Plugin
- by LDAP ST3 315 Installs
SublimeLinter addon for Checkstyle (Codestyle-check for Java)
- by Phillip3 ST3 314 Installs
highlighting for Barrelfish's Mackerel and Sublime Text 3
- by jgburet 314 Installs
Create dynamic hotkeys to jump around files and across visible panes.
- by brousalis 313 Installs
sublime plugin to +rem your pixels in .sass files
- by drkameleon ST3 313 Installs
SublimeText syntax highlighting package for Arturo
- by dcowsill ST3 313 Installs
A SUblImE tExT PlUgin THAT rANDOmiZeS Case
- by p4t5h3 ST4 312 Installs
PureBasic support for Sublime Text.