ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • Khan

    by gerardroche 36 Installs
    Add, remove, and clears rulers.
  • TwelfTools

    by nfeltman 36 Installs
    No description provided
  • Gno

    by gno-playground ST3 36 Installs
    Gno language syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
  • Ebitengine Kage

    by sedyh ST4 35 Installs
    Basic syntax and snippet support for the Ebitengine Kage shading language.
  • MarkPress

    by rposbo ST2 35 Installs
    Pushes the current active sublimetext file to a metaweblog compatible blog, optionally applying markdown
  • Schnapsum

    by airqz 35 Installs
    Create "schnapsum' with The Sublime Text
  • CloseTabsLeft

    by deXterbed ST2 34 Installs
    sublime plugin to close tabs on the left
  • Louk

    by louk-lang 34 Installs
    Sublime syntax highlighting for Louk
  • B2Jam

    by mccann ST4 34 Installs
    B2 Jam language support for Sublime Text
  • Prismic.io snippets

    by prismicio 33 Installs
    Prismic snippets for VS Code, Vim, Sublime, and IntelliJ
  • Hog

    by Hog-CERN 33 Installs
    Hog Plugin for Sublime Text
  • WASM Interface Type

    by SublimeText ST4 33 Installs
    WebAssembly Interface Type syntax for Sublime Text
  • Tony Water

    by evercyan 33 Installs
    一个拖泥带水的 sublime-text 插件
  • Jdf - Tool

    by wshxbqq ST2 33 Installs
    Jdf 4 Sublime
  • SFV

    by idleberg ST3 33 Installs
    Syntax highlighting for SFV files
  • Memorize

    by ckm2k1 ST4 32 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin for call stack memorization
  • RandomizeLogMessages

    by marclar ST2 32 Installs
    A Sublime Text 2 plugin for appending random strings to your log messages, in the interest of simplifying debugging.

    by ckunte ST3 32 Installs
    USFOS syntax for Sublime Text
  • GLE

    by vlabella 31 Installs
    Syntax highlighting for Sublime Text Editor for the GLE Programming Language
  • SikuliTools

    by Hendrik Elsner (321hendrik@gmail.com) Mac 31 Installs
    A collection of tools for creation of SikuliX tests with SublimeText
  • SEWL

    by SpotonNet ST3 31 Installs
    Sublime Text package for SEWL
  • Scenic

    by UCSCFormalMethods 31 Installs
    Scenic syntax highlighter for Sublime Text, Atom, and Visual Studio Code, based on MagicPython.
  • ride

    by frankaemika ST3 31 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 package for Lingua Franka (LF) syntax highlighting, snippets and auto-completions.
  • MOOS

    by oviquezr ST3 31 Installs
    Sublime Text 3 - MOOS Package
  • Wiggle

    by jarretth ST2 30 Installs
    Wiggle your SublimeText 2 panes around