- by boltjs ST2 14 Installs
Sublime Text integration for the bolt module system.
- by STealthy-and-haSTy ST4 14 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to help identify the GitHub CODEOWNERS of the current file
- by Jan Loose ST2 Mac 14 Installs
Run the GIMP with a file on Sublime Text 2 (running on Mac OS X).
- by halfmoonvic ST3 13 Installs
No description provided
- by Brian Lachniet ST2 13 Installs
A MimosaJS toolset for SublimeText
- by kaushik94 ST2 Linux 13 Installs
A Sublime text 2 plugin to submit code to hackerrank contests direcltly by CTRL+SHIFT+r
- by ISSOtm ST3 12 Installs
Sublime Text 3 syntax highlighting package for evscript
- by hexedtech ST4 11 Installs
SublimeText codemp plugin -- code multiplexer
- by anxor ST3 11 Installs
Pico8 cart plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by pdilyard 11 Installs
PyFusion syntax definition for Sublime Text
- by KenyC ST3 10 Installs
Insert references to surrounding LaTeX linguistic examples
- by Kostasn2 10 Installs
This is a package for sublime text, for syntax highlighting the programming/scripting language Piranha
- by macMikey 10 Installs
No description provided
- by jtojnar 7 Installs
SmPL (Coccinelle) Syntax for Sublime Text
- by JohhannasReyn 7 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to sort the selected lines or the lines in a document by length, purely for asthetics.
- by adder46 6 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for pasting code to dpaste.org
- by spencerchristensen ST4 Mac New 6 Installs
Open the current file in Cursor
- by gbif New 6 Installs
Sublime package for the Text Tree syntax
- by Kostasn2 6 Installs
This is a package for sublime text, for syntax highlighting the Greek programming/scripting pseudo-language PLI10.
- by Vasfed ST3 6 Installs
SublimeText package for ytt syntax
- by patopesto ST4 4 Installs
Sublime Text 4 syntax for charmbracelet's VHS tape files
- by Xion ST2 4 Installs
Streamlines telling off your coworkers for their lousy code
- by thtliife Mac 3 Installs
Plugin that enables comparison of the last 2 activated buffers (even in different windows) using FileMerge (Mac OS X only).
- by ninetyfive-gg ST4 New 3 Installs
No description provided
- by 53v3n3d4 ST4 2 Installs
OpenFGA syntax for Sublime Text editor