- by godbout 42K Installs
Sleeplessmind (Dark) Color Theme for Sublime Text 2/3/4
- by kevinstadler 42K Installs
SublimeText 2+3 plugin providing a customisable word and character counter for LaTeX and plaintext files
- by villimagg 42K Installs
A Laravel Paste Bucket like Color Scheme for Sublime Text 2
- by khiltd 42K Installs
An Alignment Plugin for Sublime Text 2 that actually works `⌘⌥^ ]`
- by Yummygum 41K Installs
No description provided
- by drewda 41K Installs
Sublime bundle for Cucumber
- by SublimeLinter ST3 41K Installs
SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Java, using javac -Xlint.
- by james2doyle 41K Installs
A set of completions for Laravel 5 helper functions
- by chrokh 41K Installs
Build and run single C# files from Sublime Text 2.
- by sagold 41K Installs
Autocomplete relative or absolute file paths in Sublime Text project folder
- by quarnster 41K Installs
GDB integration with Sublime Text 2
- by cgutierrez ST2 40K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for javascript minification using Google Closure compiler
- by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 40K Installs
A version of the Sublime Text plugin at <http://www.sublimetext.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2260&start=0> that makes for TextMate-like clipboard history. Based on Clipboard History, by AJ Palkovic (ajpalkovic) and Martin Aspeli (optilude)
- by poucotm 40K Installs
🔦 Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3, Log Highlight helps to view a log (any type) supporting customizable log syntax & color scheme, extensible severity levels, clickable links
- by stephnr 40K Installs
A toolkit containing various commands and snippets for using ES6 today
- by ogom 40K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for markdown slideshow
- by jsoncomma ST3 40K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to deal with those damn JSON commas!
- by yangsu 40K Installs
VHDL Package for Sublime Text
- by zaynali53 40K Installs
Syntax Highlighting support for Environment (.env) Files
- by kufii 40K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin that runs the cli-sql-formatter node library on the current file
- by matthewrobertson 40K Installs
A collection of sublime text snippets useful for coding ERB templates
- by DamnWidget ST3 40K Installs
AnacondaGO adds autocompletion, linting and IDE features for Golang to your Sublime Text 3
- by leonid-shevtsov 40K Installs
Underlines URLs in Sublime Text, and lets you open them with a keystroke.
- by jasperjorna 40K Installs
A minimalistic theme for Sublime Text that comes in 2 flavours.
- by roadhump ST3 39K Installs
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to eslint_d