ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • TokensCounter

    by yaroslavyaroslav ST4 20 Installs
    Counts [chatgpt] tokens of selected text and presents it in phantom.
  • PDML

    by tajmone ST4 20 Installs
    Sublime Text syntax support for PDML (Practical Data and Markup Language)
  • BlitzSearch

    by Natestah Win 20 Installs
    Blitz Search Package for Sublime Text
  • Whiley

    by Whiley ST3 20 Installs
    A TextMate plugin for Whiley
  • Sophia

    by aeternity ST3 20 Installs
    Sublime Text package for Sophia contract language
  • ScriptOgrSender

    by blastmann ST2 19 Installs
    Sublime Text Plug-in for submitting post to ScriptOgr.am
  • Bend

    by RohanVashisht1234 ST3 18 Installs
    A syntax highlighter for the bend programming language for bend programming language
  • OpenWrt

    by xyu 18 Installs
    Sublime Text Package for OpenWrt
  • UL4

    by LivingLogic ST4 17 Installs
    SublimeText syntax highlighting for UL4
  • Test Jumper

    by tomcharles Mac 17 Installs
    Jump between implementation and test file with simple keystroke
  • LSP-twiggy

    by sublimelsp ST4 16 Installs
    Twig support for Sublime’s LSP plugin
  • WWB

    by rusiv ST3 16 Installs
    No description provided
  • Tact

    by Novus Nota ST3 16 Installs
    All-in-one package for Tact programming language
  • CSS Intellisense

    by id-sakurata New 15 Installs
    Sublime plugin autocomplete css.
  • Highlight Token

    by cepthomas ST4 WinLinux 15 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin for highlighting text, with persistence and user scopes and colors.
  • Rant

    by RantLang ST3 14 Installs
    Rant syntax highlighting for Sublime Text.
  • Gimp Run

    by Jan Loose ST2 Mac 14 Installs
    Run the GIMP with a file on Sublime Text 2 (running on Mac OS X).
  • Teaspoon

    by emn178 ST2 14 Installs
    Sublime Text 2 plugin for running javascript tests.(By teaspoon)
  • PRQL

    by PRQL 14 Installs
    Grammer for PRQL language for sublime
  • Bolt

    by boltjs ST2 14 Installs
    Sublime Text integration for the bolt module system.
  • Mimosa

    by Brian Lachniet ST2 13 Installs
    A MimosaJS toolset for SublimeText
  • iOS build system

    by Swift-Next ST4 Mac 13 Installs
    iOS build system for Sublime Text editor with simulator management support
  • Ring

    by ysdragon ST3 13 Installs
    Ring syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
  • MarkdownCodeExporter

    by SublimeText-Markdown New 13 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin to copy code blocks in Markdown files or open them in new tab
  • Hackerlime

    by kaushik94 ST2 Linux 13 Installs
    A Sublime text 2 plugin to submit code to hackerrank contests direcltly by CTRL+SHIFT+r