- by xt99 ST2/ST3 13K Installs
PHP HAML syntax support for Sublime Text 2/3
- by SublimeText ST4 13K Installs
Tailswind CSS syntax for Sublime Text
- by vaanwd, FichteFoll 13K Installs
Zeal docset browser integration for Sublime Text
- by bordaigorl 13K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to open files with external apps and prevent preview of binary files
- by xdrop 13K Installs
This is a package for ST2/ST3 to introduce syntax highlightning for Java bytecode instructions
- by johnrork 13K Installs
Dead simple HTML syntax inside Underscore template scripts
- by aronwoost ST3 13K Installs
Like “Expand Selection to Scope”. But better!
- by FedC 13K Installs
Sublime Text 2 Theme for frontend developers easy on the eyes.
- by SublimeLinter ST3 13K Installs
SublimeLinter 3 plugin for lua, using luacheck
- by 73rhodes 13K Installs
Flow JavaScript analyzer plugin for SublimeText 2 and 3
- by ExplodingCabbage 13K Installs
Sublime plugin that excludes from your Sublime project any files ignored by git
- by quarnster 13K Installs
Android Debug Bridge Logcat view plugin for Sublime Text 2
- by psy-man 13K Installs
Yii2 snippets for Sublime Text
- by briancavalier 13K Installs
A simple TextMate bundle for Freemarker templates
- by dongli 13K Installs
This is a Sublime Text package for NCL (NCAR Command Language).
- by dafrancis 13K Installs
Sublime plugin to add scripts from http://www.cdnjs.com/
- by leitwolf 13K Installs
Powerful quick-cocos2d-x develop plugin for sublime text 2/3
- by Nelo Mitranim ST3 13K Installs
Sublime Text plugin that formats Rust code with rustfmt
- by vifo 13K Installs
perltidy/Perl::Tidy plugin - A Perl script indenter and reformatter.
- by ironcladlou ST3 13K Installs
Golang integration for Sublime Text 3
- by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 13K Installs
Adds text-formatting tricks to Sublime Text. Mostly for PEP8 formatting.
- by derekchiang ST2 13K Installs
A sublime plugin for formatting CoffeeScript
- by justinfx 13K Installs
Send selected Python and MEL code snippets from SublimeText to Maya via commandPort
- by Anh Tu Nguyen <xgenvn@gmail.com> MacLinux 13K Installs
Popup a text input window under Linux, which help user to insert text using IME like Ibus, SCIM...
- by scriptcs 13K Installs
A scriptcs plug-in for Sublime Text.