- by rpardee, friedegg, seemack ST3 4K Installs
For using SAS Institute's Analytics & Data Management system.
- by mattstevens 4K Installs
Smarter title casing for Sublime Text
- by astrauka 4K Installs
RSpec plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by mattst 4K Installs
A Sublime Text package to make sure that there is exactly one trailing newline at the end of a file.
- by filipelinhares ST3 4K Installs
🕰 Easily insert current stamp, time, date and datetime in Sublime Text
- by syko ST3 4K Installs
Opposite of Goto Definition - easily find where an exported class/function/variable is used
- by edubkendo ST2 4K Installs
A Sublime Text plug-in for finding function definitions in coffeescript. Adapted from @timdouglas 's sublime-find-function .
- by gerardroche ST3 4K Installs
Molokai color scheme.
- by npostulart 4K Installs
Doctrine Snippet Package for Sublime Text 2
- by Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz) 4K Installs
Open a panel to browse and edit zip file's content on opening a zip file. .sublime-package also supported.
- by inkytonik ST3 4K Installs
Worksheet functionality for Scala in Sublime Text 3.
- by wmertens 4K Installs
Nix syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by lyubenblagoev 4K Installs
Sublime Text - Mustang Color Scheme
- by DarkDonut-theme 4K Installs
A Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3 that fits your flavour! 🎃
- by Arindam Pradhan 4K Installs
:boar: Sublime Text Snippet for material-design-lite.
- by dempfi 4K Installs
Dark and bright them for Sublime
- by ppalex7 ST3 4K Installs
SourcePawn auto-completion and build-system
- by jbrooksuk 4K Installs
Selection evaluation in Sublime Text
- by PogiNate 4K Installs
Syntax highlighting and snippets for working with XQuery in general and MarkLogic in particular.
- by allieus-archives 4K Installs
No description provided
- by oleg-shilo ST3 4K Installs
CodeMap - is a ST3 plugin for showing the code tree representing the code structure of the active view/document
- by cb109 ST3 Win 4K Installs
:telephone_receiver: MAXScript support and remote code execution in 3ds Max from Sublime.
- by elomarns ST2 4K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to automatically include #encoding: utf-8 on Ruby files when needed.
- by zaynali53 4K Installs
Dark theme for Sublime text
- by dallbee 4K Installs
A cryptographically secure random text generator package for Sublime Text