- by tonsky 3K Installs
A color scheme for focused long-form writing
- by HuygensING ST3 3K Installs
Sublime Syntax for TAGML
- by revathskumar 3K Installs
SublimeText plugin to generate yardoc
- by SublimeLinter ST3 3K Installs
SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Haskell, using ghc -Wall.
- by julianburr ST3 WinMac 3K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin that shows the import costs of imported JS modules
- by JonasPf, FichteFoll 3K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to move (multiple) cursors
- by oleander ST2 3K Installs
Navigate between split windows using the keyboard
- by Stubbs 3K Installs
No description provided
- by Chipcius 3K Installs
Vala Syntax For Sublime Text Editor
- by jturcotte 3K Installs
Open "filename:line" paths from the clipboard or copy the caret position to the clipboard.
- by NotSqrt ST3 3K Installs
Integration of Dennis, a Gettext linter, into SublimeLinter.
- by shagabutdinov 3K Installs
Extract/detach/rename variable refactoring
- by yinxianwei 3K Installs
No description provided
- by mkay 3K Installs
MODX Placeholders Snippets for the Sublime Text Editor
- by fixmysync 3K Installs
Quick + Easy Code Completion for the GreenSock Animation Platform
- by dacap ST2 3K Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to remove blank lines and whitespaces
- by timlogemann 3K Installs
Sublime Text | ACF Snippets for programmatic PHP fields
- by oakmac 3K Installs
Parinfer plugin for Sublime Text
- by AjaxGb ST3 3K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin to add support for Minecraft function files (.mcfunction).
- by mattst 3K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to allow scrolling through multiple selections and to clear the selections leaving a single cursor at various locations.
- by mashaal 3K Installs
:princess::tulip::japanese_ogre: A fairy-tale inspired theme, with tasteful use of emojis
- by ramonfritsch ST3 3K Installs
Haproxy syntax highlighting for Sublime Text 3
- by oleksiyk ST3 3K Installs
Fix annoying SublimeText issue with TAB inserting completion and not desired snippet
- by idleberg 3K Installs
Color scheme inspired by the art of Rubens LP
- by bgx4k3p ST3 3K Installs
DokuWiki syntax highlighting and basic TAB-autocompletions for Sublime Text 3