- by malexer ST3 Mac 172 Installs
Sublime Text plugin for integration with Bear App.
- by mario33881 172 Installs
BLIF (SIS' Berkeley Logic Interchange Format) syntax highlighter and autocompleter package for Sublime Text
- by ISSOtm ST3 172 Installs
Sublime Text 3 syntax package for the markup language Mandoc
- by andref 172 Installs
Software AG Natural package for Sublime Text.
- by evandrocoan 171 Installs
When pasting text with the command `Ctrl+Shift+V` (paste_and_indent), it makes the pasted text to be selected
- by ThisIsJohnBrown ST2 171 Installs
Hhhhold.com placeholder plugin for Sublime Text 2
- by aleohq ST4 171 Installs
Leo syntax and language server
- by xsznix 171 Installs
Adds commands to the command palette to set the indentation width and whether to use tabs or spaces, optionally re-indenting the entire file.
- by subeeshb ST3 171 Installs
Share, review and discuss code snippets directly from Sublime Text to CodeDrafts, a code review tool.
- by tpayne84 170 Installs
VBScript package for Sublime Text
- by danielwagner ST2 170 Installs
A qooxdoo package for Sublime Text 2
- by hwangzhiming 170 Installs
Fex Plugin for Sublime Text 2
- by ecomfe 170 Installs
An ETPL syntax definition & snippets specifically for Sublime Text.
- by titoBouzout 169 Installs
Prevents opening the same file twice, if does not share a buffer (ie is not a clone/duplicate or cloned view/tab/file).
- by DavidGerva ST3 169 Installs
Repository for the SendToSandbox sublime plugin
- by hirofumikaneko ST2 169 Installs
FeelingLucky is Sublime Text Plugin which can open the related files of id or class of designation in html files.
- by nicolas-cherel 168 Installs
Configure (DY)LD_LIBRARY_PATH in Sublime Text through user configuration
- by nLight ST2 MacLinux 168 Installs
Run phing targets right from Sublime text 2
- by oguzkilcan 168 Installs
Syntax Highlighting and Validation for Siebel Expressions
- by reecer 167 Installs
Sublime plugin for fb-flo.
- by sahibalejandro ST2 167 Installs
Integra Quark PHP Framework en sublime text 2
- by hritikchaudhary 167 Installs
A codeforces & codechef problem and testcase parser for sublime.
- by li-vu 166 Installs
A wrapper in Sublime Text for rsltc, the type checker of RAISE Specification Language - RSL
- by johantell ST3 166 Installs
SublimeLinter wrapper for elixir dogma
- by gigamicro 166 Installs
Mindustry logic assembly highlighting