- by zanuka 6K Installs
:dash: Dust.js syntax & completions for ST3
- by zhimiaoli 6K Installs
A simple plugin that convert markdown text to HTML in Sublime Text and send it to your Clipboard
- by ManxStef 6K Installs
CodeKit .kit file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by martinsam 6K Installs
UnitTest support for Sublime Text 2
- by loggerhead ST3 6K Installs
A powerful plugin to split window like tmux for Sublime Text 3.
- by mjkaufer ST3 6K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin to help write faster JSML.
- by sporto 6K Installs
Sublime Text plug-in for jumping to Rails spec files
- by hatunike 6K Installs
A SublimeText autocomplete snippet package for the Swift Foundation framework.
- by clarabstract 6K Installs
Adds tab-completion to Python's somewhat verbose super() construct.
- by malexer 6K Installs
Class Navigator helps to quickly jump between classes and functions/methods in a current file.
- by XandrTV 6K Installs
Custom UI theme for Sublime Text based on Soda
- by WhileRomeBurns 6K Installs
A Sublime Text package for Sidefx Software's VEX language which is used in the procedural visual effects software Houdini.
- by danielfrg 6K Installs
Open files quicker and easier: Dynamic browsing or a static list of files
- by jleonard 6K Installs
Sublime Text snippets for common .js, css and html tasks
- by reflog 6K Installs
SublimeText plugin to toggle readonly flag
- by brandonwamboldt 6K Installs
Improved syntax highlighting for Varnish VCL configuration files
- by albertosantini ST3 6K Installs
Sublime Text plugin to improve build system
- by Thom1729 6K Installs
A macro system for YAML files powered by Python. Intended for Sublime Text development.
- by borislubimov 6K Installs
Simple Sublime Text plugin for displaying decimal code of the current character in the status bar
- by SiebelsTim 6K Installs
Hack's typechecker & autocompletion inside Sublime Text
- by harawata 6K Installs
Sublime Text plugin simulates Delete Line command in Eclipse
- by LeoLeal ST3 6K Installs
A Linter Plugin that highlights debugging calls on your javascript code.
- by idleberg 6K Installs
Inno Setup syntax definition, completions and build system for SublimeText
- by xavi- 6K Installs
A sublime package that lets you expand your current selection until a specific character, regex, or char-count is encountered.
- by Haydar Ciftci 6K Installs
Terraform snippets for Sublime Text 3