- by bwiredagency 197 Installs
No description provided
- by joneshf 197 Installs
ZIMPL Sublime Text package
- by alchemi5t ST3 196 Installs
Sublime plugin to detect invalid devanagari word constructs
- by seancoyne 196 Installs
A collection of FarCry snippets for Sublime Text
- by drazisil 196 Installs
CircleCI Plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by jdkato ST4 194 Installs
A vale-ls client for Sublime Text.
- by kitzberger ST3 MacLinux 194 Installs
This plugin allows you to easily switch between different folders mounts of the same project
- by leoheck 194 Installs
POV-Ray syntax highlighter for Sublime Text
- by ahmedhassan-eng 193 Installs
OSEK Implementation Language (OIL) Syntax for Sublime Text
- by shagabutdinov 193 Installs
Fix for wrong indentation when wrapping text with brackets or quotes
- by gerardroche 192 Installs
Laravel testing Sublime Text completions.
- by thesave ST3 190 Installs
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to lacheck.
- by andyp123 189 Installs
GameMonkey Syntax for Sublime Text
- by jdpatt ST3 189 Installs
Syntax Highlighting for Various Electronic Design Files
- by swmuron 189 Installs
Sublime Text Package for MelonJS completions
- by crazybyte ST2 189 Installs
SublimeReadOnlyBuffer is small plugin for setting Sublime Text 2 editor buffer(s) read-only and maintaning the read-only/read-write state of an edited file between editing sessions using a filename cache.
- by pykong ST3 Linux 189 Installs
Automagically opens a shell with a project's virtual environment already started.
- by code-reaper08 189 Installs
Useful and handy SpectreCSS autocomplete snippets for SublimeText
- by SublimeText ST4 188 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to open folders as projects
- by kapitanluffy ST4 188 Installs
🧠Never get lost again navigating your code with Compass! Filter your list of open MRU tabs / files easily!
- by seripap ST3 188 Installs
Travis CI build status information for active branch in Sublime Text 3
- by dangelov ST3 188 Installs
This is a Sublime Text 3 plugin to easily paste to the popular Codepad.org.
- by Corbinian Bergunde ST2 Mac 188 Installs
GrowlNotifier is a plugin which use growl notfication with user events.
- by rishabh-ink 187 Installs
A short snippet for adding a Hologram documentation comment block in Sublime Text.
- by kernelp4nic Linux 187 Installs
Sublime Text plugin to open files in Thunar (default file manager for xfce)