- by epergo ST3 MacLinux 163 Installs
Sublime Linter for Ameba
- by aleohq ST4 163 Installs
Leo syntax and language server
- by KidkArolis ST3 163 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for Healthier Linter
- by vbasky 162 Installs
RaSpring Color Scheme for Sublime
- by mhetrick 162 Installs
Sublime Text/Textmate syntax for Shbobo Shnth Shlisp (http://shbobo.net/)
- by hschne 162 Installs
Syntax definitions for Micro16-Code
- by LucaVazz 162 Installs
An extension for SublimeText, VisualStudio Code, TextMate and IntelliJ IDEA to make writing SetlX-code comfortable. Compatible with SetlX Version 2.5.0 - 2.6.1
- by edoardopirovano ST3 161 Installs
Syntax plugin for QL in Sublime Text 3
- by hadfieldn 161 Installs
Sublime Text package for Floscript
- by lwilli 161 Installs
Sublime plugin that makes navigating WSDL/XSD types as simple as a click or keystroke!
- by AncientRoman ST4 160 Installs
A lightweight Sublime Plugin for Opening a File on a Remote Machine over ssh and seamlessly editing and Saving back to remote
- by gigamicro 160 Installs
Mindustry logic assembly highlighting
- by jyarali 159 Installs
Datalife Engine snippets (Template tags) for Sublime text
- by scttcper ST2 158 Installs
Scriptogram blogging service Sublime Text Plugin
- by mationai 157 Installs
Felix support for the Sublime Text editor
- by zfkun <zfkun@msn.com> ST2 157 Installs
KISSY API Snippets for Sublime Text
- by tylorr MacLinux 157 Installs
Sublime Text plugin "hg_commit_msg plugin": shows the hg commit history for one or more lines of code.
- by aleGpereira ST2 157 Installs
A sublime plug-in to help us find python pdb's in case we forget to clean before a commit.
- by yvess Mac 157 Installs
automatic file touch on OS X for mac for docker with nfs
- by eugenesvk ST4 156 Installs
KDL syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by marekpiechut ST3 155 Installs
SublimeText 3/4 plugin for Rome formatter
- by MettleUp MacLinux 155 Installs
Sublime Text 3 Plugin to compile JRXML into Jasper templates
- by GiovanH ST3 155 Installs
No description provided
- by MGorkov ST3 155 Installs
Explain PostgreSQL plugin for Sublime Text
- by Umajin 154 Installs
A Umajin Bundle for Sublime Text