- by ganemone 23K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin for requiring modules.
- by edheltzel 23K Installs
A Sublime Text color scheme that is bright and dark - ES6 ready
- by MDeiml 23K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for Java imports
- by axel22 23K Installs
Javap support for Sublime Text 2 - bytecode introspection made easy!
- by Kindari ST2 23K Installs
Xdebug Interface for Sublime Text 2
- by randy3k ST3 23K Installs
A lightweight but deprecated LaTeX Plugin for Sublime Text 3
- by SublimeLinter ST3 23K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for php, using phpmd.
- by Joe Esposito 23K Installs
Run a Sublime Text command in a console window. Supports both Sublime Text 2 & 3.
- by watergear 23K Installs
Coffee smell
- by jonnypolite 23K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin that can unminify CSS
- by Zinggi 22K Installs
This adds dictionary entries to the completions inside comments. For lazy typers!
- by JonBons 22K Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 highlighter for Bohemia Interactive's SQF Language.
- by markbirbeck ST3 22K Installs
The ShellCommand plugin allows arbitrary shell commands to be run and their output to be sent to buffers or panels. The output can have a syntax associated with it, which makes it possible to build 'modes' that provide complex interactions.
- by Jimbly 22K Installs
Jimbly's Clipboard History plugin for Sublime Text 2
- by joepmoritz 22K Installs
Sublime package that adds all Matlab filenames in your project to auto complete
- by facelessuser ST2/ST3 22K Installs
A Sublime Text Theme
- by warmdev ST3 22K Installs
Outline view for Sublime Text 3
- by circlecrystal 22K Installs
No description provided
- by deathaxe ST3 22K Installs
Easily switch theme and color scheme of Sublime Text with only one command.
- by jacobrosenthal 22K Installs
Arduino Build System for Sublime Text 3
- by zaynali53 22K Installs
A Dark Color Scheme For Web Artisans
- by brianlow ST3 22K Installs
Rename files from the ST3 command palette
- by auiWorks 22K Installs
A Hyperminimal UI Theme for Sublime Text with Love of Monokai.
- by nicosantangelo 22K Installs
Jasmine syntax, snippets and commands
- by SublimeLinter ST3 22K Installs
SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Lua, using luac -p.