- by toshimaru ST3 94 Installs
Wakame Color Scheme for Sublime Text 3/4.
- by mohammad6006 ST3 94 Installs
No description provided
- by lanbin 94 Installs
Quick jump to imported file in silky
- by David Holton ST3 93 Installs
Provides MAC-1 syntax support for Sublime Text 3.
- by jabyrd3 93 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to post to ix.io and manage / view pastes.
- by jcldavid ST2 93 Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin that uploads code snippets to JustPaste.me
- by sdolard <sdolard@gmail.com> ST2 92 Installs
Another interface to jslint. Base on jsrevival node package. Require node and jsrevival
- by Avtandil Kikabidze 91 Installs
Sublime Text 2/3 ITDC helper plugin
- by idleberg 91 Installs
Syntax completions for ScummC functions and variable names
- by deckardai 91 Installs
SublimeText connector to Deckard
- by jfcherng ST4 91 Installs
This plugin sets a custom message in the status bar.
- by xecreators 90 Installs
Unyson Framework Snippets for Sublime Text
- by anticultist ST3 90 Installs
Unofficial syntax definition for the INTENS® language
- by halfmoonvic 90 Installs
Sublime TimeNotify
- by asbloomf 89 Installs
Gregorio build system for Sublime Text
- by geovanisouza92 89 Installs
Send Sublime Text contents to PushBullet
- by vim-zz ST4 88 Installs
Continues Merge syntax for Sublime Text 4
- by thomcc ST3 88 Installs
Sublime text package adding syntax highlighting to XUL and/or XBL files.
- by eiji.ienaga ST2 Mac 88 Installs
Easy Open file helper tool. mac only
- by apex2060 ST2 87 Installs
Agilix now provides you with templates - which you can manipulate and override. You can use this plugin for sublimetext which will compile and de-compile any templates so you can easily modify and override existing templates.
- by rusiv ST3 87 Installs
No description provided
- by coreboot ST3 87 Installs
read-only mirror of https://review.coreboot.org/sublime-text-coreboot-syntax
- by sjg 86 Installs
Making writing CLAAT (Google's CodeLab As A Thing) markdown files fun and easy on Sublime Text since 2020.
- by snxx ST4 86 Installs
Sublime Text package for Pkl (https://pkl-lang.org).
- by jfcherng ST4 86 Installs
Open the target file of a .lnk file.