- by SublimeLinter ST3 37K Installs
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to cppcheck.
- by fitnr 37K Installs
Sublime Text package for tidying CSS.
- by P233 37K Installs
Jade Snippets for Sublime Text 2
- by SublimeLinter ST3 37K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for python, using pycodestyle.
- by tbfisher 37K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin that uses Pandoc to convert text from one markup format into another. Pandoc can convert documents in markdown, reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup, OPML, or Haddock markup to XHTML, HTML5, HTML slide shows using Slidy, reveal.js, Slideous, S5, or DZSlides, Microsoft Word docx, OpenOffice/LibreOffice ODT, OpenDocument XML, EPUB version 2 or 3, FictionBook2, DocBook, GNU TexInfo, Groff man pages, Haddock markup, OPML, LaTeX, ConTeXt, LaTeX Beamer slides, PDF via LaTeX, Markdown, reStructuredText, AsciiDoc, MediaWiki markup, Emacs Org-Mode, Textile, or custom writers can be written in lua.
- by Warin ST2 37K Installs
Cleanup you html files with SublimeTidyHTML. Parse your files with W3C's tidy-html5 locally. No php required nor webservice call.
- by AdrianLC ST3 37K Installs
Manage your virtualenvs directly from Sublime Text 3
- by SublimeLinter ST3 37K Installs
Deprecated SublimeLinter 3 plugin for jscs
- by MiroHibler ST3 37K Installs
Find a keymap for... and show all enabled keymaps in a Cheat Sheet.
- by vuetifyjs 37K Installs
Vuetify sublime extension
- by nwjlyons ST2 37K Installs
Copy the file name from the right click menu in Sublime Text 2
- by jlegewie 37K Installs
SublimePeek help files for R base packages and ggplot2
- by ccampbell ST3 37K Installs
Simple Sublime Text 3 JSX implementation
- by MagicStack 36K Installs
Sublime Text & Atom color scheme.
- by davidpeckham 36K Installs
Quickly find all lines matching a string or regular expression
- by Weilong Wang 36K Installs
A Monokai+ theme for Sublime Text 3. Already adapt to Build 3143.
- by apiad ST3 36K Installs
A Sublime Text 3 plugin for interacting with the browser and do developer related tasks.
- by jbrooksuk, FichteFoll 36K Installs
Sublime Text plugin for inserting sequences. Supporting alphanumerics and hex, with bitwise operations!
- by ericmartel 36K Installs
Simple search on Stack Overflow utility for Sublime Text 2
- by jrnewell 36K Installs
A modified twilight Sublime Text 3 Theme/Color Scheme for Predawn
- by iccir ST3 36K Installs
OS X Yosemite inspired theme for Sublime Text 3
- by sekogan ST3 36K Installs
Markdown syntax highlighting plugin and color scheme for Sublime Text 3
- by JuliaEditorSupport 36K Installs
Julia syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by akof1314 36K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin for Source Code Formatter
- by pderichs 36K Installs
A Sublime Text RuboCop plugin.