- by japborst ST3 766 Installs
Sublime Text support for the NetLogo syntax
- by sublimelsp ST4 MacLinux 765 Installs
Convenience plugin for Apple's SourceKit language server
- by ArmorDarks 764 Installs
Syntax highlighting for cFos ml-files
- by serialhex 763 Installs
The Up Goer 5 Sublime Text Word Set Add-On!!!
- by dfleury 763 Installs
A space to underline converter plugin for Sublime Text
- by 11bit ST3 763 Installs
SublimeText 3 plugin to browse file system from quick panel and add javascript module imports.
- by somelun 762 Installs
Dark color scheme for Sublime Text 3
- by uniibu ST3 761 Installs
A sublime package to easily transform your code to ES6
- by helmutgranda ST2 761 Installs
A Sublime Text 2/3 Plugin to manage WordPress websites.
- by mgutski ST3 761 Installs
A Sublime Text package for running custom workspace tasks
- by everyonesdesign ST3 761 Installs
Disable "Files that are unable to open" error
- by mmanela 757 Installs
Provide syntax highlighting for kusto language in sublime
- by ZhongXiLu 756 Installs
🚀 🦆 SpaceDuck Color Scheme for Sublime Text
- by bfred-it 755 Installs
A TextMate Bundle for Building Themes. Now available in Sublime Package Control:
- by Houfeng 755 Installs
一个为Sublime Text2而开发的JS+CSS批量压缩插件(需要Mono或.NET)
- by kassi 755 Installs
Integration of xmpfilter to sublime text 2 as a plugin.
- by muffinmad ST3 753 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to make caret style solid in Vintage command mode
- by LTM 753 Installs
BBCodes for Invision Powered Services
- by gerardroche ST3 752 Installs
Show ruler column.
- by futureprogrammer360 752 Installs
📸 Collection of Sublime Text snippets for computer vision and image processing in Python (Imports, OpenCV, Pillow)
- by Jeanmichel Cote 750 Installs
Clean, professional and low key color scheme for Sublime Text 3. ES6 ready.
- by klorenz, evandrocoan 749 Installs
Forked from the Bitbuket mercurial repository, this allows you to browse and edit sublime preferences/settings, without writing JSON files.
- by gerardroche ST3 749 Installs
Unified Sublime text Test runner.
- by papaDoc 748 Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin. To switch between files
- by dreki ST3 747 Installs
Extract selected text to another file