- by tosher ST3 524 Installs
Redlime: Sublime text 3 Redmine manager
- by kaste ST3 519 Installs
Provide filter functions for SL
- by bakery 518 Installs
Rivescript syntax definition for Sublime Text
- by vshotarov 516 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to help with creating files and folders within projects with deep hierarchies quickly and easily.
- by mraiur 514 Installs
Plugin to cast your file for networked preview.
- by Andreas Stenmark 511 Installs
Syntax highlighting for the MiniZinc modelling language
- by SublimeText ST2 508 Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text 2 to execute a command and redirect its output into a view
- by tynril 508 Installs
This Sublime Text 2 plugin enables the usage of Premake from within Sublime Text, and provides a portable multi-files build system using it.
- by jdkato ST3 506 Installs
A Sublime Text 3 package implementing Vim-like branching undo/redo.
- by fukayatsu ST2 506 Installs
make it easy to tweet from sublime text 2
- by scholer Win 506 Installs
Text-to-speech (TTS) plugin for Sublime Text.
- by andrewhare 506 Installs
A Sublime Text plugin for switching to and from test files in Go.
- by ahouse101 505 Installs
Provides syntax highlighting and snippets for E100 assembly language.
- by j-martin ST3 Mac 505 Installs
Open current file in another editor
- by harrymander ST3 504 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for clang-format
- by theacodes 504 Installs
Witch Hazel color scheme package for Sublime Text
- by 3v1n0 504 Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to paste code snippets to Ubuntu pastebin.
- by Lucifr Liu (@lucifr) ST2 503 Installs
add autopairing for Chinise punctuations.
- by gauravk-in 503 Installs
A sublime plugin for cht.sh
- by mavendc 502 Installs
Plugin that will post files to CQ5's sling post servlet.
* dialog.xmls
* .coffee files
* .js
and most any file that would live underneath your 'jcr_root' top level folder
- by ubuntugege Linux 501 Installs
Integrate Chinese/Japanese/Korean/Vietnamese input via fcitx on linux platform
- by daytonn 501 Installs
A dark theme for Sublime Text 2/3
- by aranajhonny 500 Installs
Sublime syntax theme, based in vaporwave colors.
- by Jose Fernandez ST2 Mac 500 Installs
Evaluate the selected text in your Rails environment and print the result.
- by Chris Oakman ST4 MacLinux 499 Installs
Format, Validate, Minify EDN files in Sublime Text