- by evhub 548 Installs
Coconut syntax highlighting for Sublime Text and VSCode.
- by kkujawinski MacLinux 547 Installs
Patch Apply Sublime Text 3 plugin
- by wangchao0502 547 Installs
A Sublime snippets plugin for MatrixList Framework
- by vhyza ST2 547 Installs
exec-in-window is replacement for exec command used in Sublime Text 2 build system
- by mdsnj 545 Installs
Plugin for unicode character entry in Sublime Text, targeted at LuaTeX.
- by schnittchen 544 Installs
Sublime Text 2 colour scheme and theme switcher "dawn vs. dusk"
- by dlzi 544 Installs
Sublime Text 3 autocomplete plugin for Brevis CSS toolkit.
- by noraesae ST2 MacLinux 544 Installs
Class Hierarchy with CTags for Sublime Text 2
- by kfog ST3 544 Installs
Sublime Text 3 web2py plugin
WIP, not production ready yet
- by harrymander ST3 544 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for clang-format
- by gnat ST4 543 Installs
🛸 Dark Color Theme for Sublime Text 4
- by WebAndCow 542 Installs
This is an extension of the plugin SublimeCakePHP for SublimeText that contains snippets for the BsHelper and the Bs3FormHelper
- by maxhoffmann 538 Installs
:page_with_curl: QUnit completions for Sublime Text
- by sublimelsp ST4 537 Installs
Python support for Sublime's LSP plugin provided through DetachHead/basedpyright.
- by XuefengWu ST2 535 Installs
- by kylebebak ST4 534 Installs
Sublime Text Tree-sitter configuration and abstraction layer
- by qualialabs 533 Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin for Meteor Reval
- by Adelyte Company (Taylor Zane Glaeser) ST3 533 Installs
SIMPL+ Syntax Highlighting for Sublime Text
- by nsubiron ST3 533 Installs
Command framework for Sublime Text 3.
- by cockscomb ST2 531 Installs
A plugin for Sublime Text 2. If the file you saved has no extension and start with shebang, this plugin make executable that file.
- by aerobounce ST3 530 Installs
Hide unneeded output panels automatically on save with Sublime Text
- by Shura1oplot ST3 528 Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for python, using frosted.
- by phenix-factory 527 Installs
Plugin Sublime Text 2/3 qui ajoute la syntaxe SPIP.
- by daguej 527 Installs
PasteWrap wraps your Sublime Text selection(s) with whatever is on the clipboard.
- by Kay-Uwe (Kiwi) Lorenz (klorenz) ST2 526 Installs
Configure project specific commands, keymaps, etc. in your project-file.