ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • HackerRankHelper

    by Dinesh Kumar ST3 562 Installs
    Plugin To Compile, Check Status of Sample Test Case, and Submit Code to the HackerRank Server
  • Vaporwave

    by ishanray 560 Installs
    Sublime Text Color Scheme
  • Groovy Imports

    by carwinz ST2 559 Installs
    A Sublime Text 2 plugin for inserting import statements into groovy code
  • Spec Finder

    by rogeriochaves 558 Installs
    Shortcut for sublime text to switch between the file and it's spec
  • Hammer for Mac Snippets

    by dpskvn 558 Installs
    Hammer for Mac snippets for Sublime Text
  • Data Wizard

    by nickklaskala 558 Installs
    ST3/ST4 package for advanced data manipulation in delimited flat files (.csv, .psv, .tsv, .txt, .dat .etc). Supports auto detection of delimiters, Justification of delimited file, collapsing delimited files, pivoting delimited files, pop columns to end (cycling first column to end in pivoted data sets, see example), data masking(shuffle list, shuffle characters), data sampling, and converting datagrid to sql insert statements. This Package is especially helpful for ETL or any task that interfaces with delimited flat files in which you are constantly opening files and inspecting them. Allows for instant human readability and analysis.
  • CodeFall Color Scheme

    by EncryptEx 558 Installs
    Codefall is a dark Color-Scheme for Sublime Text.
  • Send to Shell

    by Twizzledrizzle ST3 Win 557 Installs
    Sublime Text package to send text to an external shell running Ipython
  • FASTBuild

    by Manuzor ST3 557 Installs
    FASTBuild support for SublimeText3.
  • CMB snippets

    by lubusIN 557 Installs
    For use with HumanMade’s Custom Meta Boxes for WordPress
  • SelectNextNumber

    by defmech 556 Installs
    A SublimeText 3 package for selecting the next number.
  • Themosis Framework Snippets

    by William Marquardt 556 Installs
    Themosis Framework snippets for Sublime Text
  • KarmaRunner

    by knee-cola 555 Installs
    A SublimeText plugging which helps run Karma Test Runner from ST editor.
  • Preset Command

    by benweier 555 Installs
    A Sublime Text plugin for managing collections of settings presets. Compatible with ST 3
  • Scuggest

    by ssanj ST3 555 Installs
    A Sublime Text Plugin for Minimal Scala Imports
  • BlitzMax

    by Muttley 554 Installs
    BlitzMax language definition and snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
  • nextflow

    by nf-core ST3 554 Installs
    Nextflow workflow syntax highlighting and snippets for Sublime Text 4
  • Unreal Shader

    by hellokenlee ST3 553 Installs
    Unreal Engine 4 shader editing, syntax hightlighting and more
  • Hippie Autocomplete

    by Suor ST4 552 Installs
    Sublime Text 2/3 style auto completion for ST4
  • Argument Noun

    by nliberg 552 Installs
    Sublime Text plugin that extends Vintage with a function argument ('a') noun
  • TooltipLSL

    by Makopo ST3 552 Installs
    Provides SecondLife LSL and OpenSimulator OSSL API descriptions from kwdb database with the link to API reference wiki pages.
  • SublimeLinter-contrib-standardrb

    by testdouble ST3 551 Installs
    SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Ruby, using Standard, a wrapper for Rubocop.
  • ModJS - JavaScript Workflow Tooling

    by yuanyan ST2 551 Installs
    Mod for Sublime Text
  • PackageTesting

    by SublimeText ST2 551 Installs
    Minimal testing framework for Sublime Text packages. (beta)
  • Filter Code

    by happyqingye 550 Installs
    Plugin for filter code repeatedly [ST3/ST2]