- by junosuarez 592 Installs
JavaScript BDD test package for Sublime Text 2
- by ahuff44 592 Installs
Tweaks the behavior of tab-switching when there are multiple panes
- by notpushkin 591 Installs
Syntax theme for Sublime Text
- by Chris Oakman ST4 MacLinux 590 Installs
Format, Validate, Minify EDN files in Sublime Text
- by mattchanner 587 Installs
A Text Mate theme
- by fhightower-tc 586 Installs
Sublime Text snippets for writing share comments in ThreatConnect.
- by coala ST3 585 Installs
This repository holds a sublime plugin that provides code analytics via coala.
- by LDprg ST3 585 Installs
No description provided
- by davidbwaters 583 Installs
a tweaked version of the Sienna theme for Sublime Text
- by felixcatto ST4 583 Installs
Adds ability to import relative file names and open it.
- by testdouble ST3 582 Installs
SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Ruby, using Standard, a wrapper for Rubocop.
- by mokkabonna 581 Installs
Snippets for sinon.js assertions
- by Colin T.A. Gray (colinta) ST3 579 Installs
This is how I make screencasts on <http://colinta.com>.
- by sentience ST3 578 Installs
Visualise SimpleCov Ruby test coverage in Sublime Text 3.
- by timiyay 577 Installs
a Sublime Text plugin for inserting hip filler text
- by SublimeText ST4 577 Installs
AlpineJS syntax for Sublime Text
- by jcowgar ST2 577 Installs
A simple task timer for Sublime Text Editor
- by ishanray 577 Installs
Sublime Text Color Scheme
- by Manuzor ST3 575 Installs
FASTBuild support for SublimeText3.
- by happyqingye 575 Installs
Plugin for filter code repeatedly [ST3/ST2]
- by ryanpcmcquen 575 Installs
Adds a setting for showing or hiding the minimap.
- by jwortmann ST3 573 Installs
Image and color previews in Sublime Text
- by geoffroymontel ST2 573 Installs
A SuperCollider package for Sublime Text 2
- by unitjs 573 Installs
Sublime Text package which includes several handy snippets for writing unit tests with Unit.js.
- by Dinesh Kumar ST3 572 Installs
Plugin To Compile, Check Status of Sample Test Case, and Submit Code to the HackerRank Server