- by davidbwaters 573 Installs
a tweaked version of the Sienna theme for Sublime Text
- by geoffroymontel ST2 573 Installs
A SuperCollider package for Sublime Text 2
- by sentience ST3 572 Installs
Visualise SimpleCov Ruby test coverage in Sublime Text 3.
- by timiyay 572 Installs
a Sublime Text plugin for inserting hip filler text
- by unitjs 568 Installs
Sublime Text package which includes several handy snippets for writing unit tests with Unit.js.
- by nf-core ST3 567 Installs
Nextflow workflow syntax highlighting and snippets for Sublime Text 4
- by hellokenlee ST3 566 Installs
Unreal Engine 4 shader editing, syntax hightlighting and more
- by EncryptEx 566 Installs
Codefall is a dark Color-Scheme for Sublime Text.
- by reisub ST3 566 Installs
Sublime Text 3/4 plugin for quick access to Elixir documentation
- by ishanray 566 Installs
Sublime Text Color Scheme
- by Dinesh Kumar ST3 565 Installs
Plugin To Compile, Check Status of Sample Test Case, and Submit Code to the HackerRank Server
- by Manuzor ST3 564 Installs
FASTBuild support for SublimeText3.
- by dpskvn 561 Installs
Hammer for Mac snippets for Sublime Text
- by testdouble ST3 561 Installs
SublimeLinter 3 plugin for Ruby, using Standard, a wrapper for Rubocop.
- by William Marquardt 561 Installs
Themosis Framework snippets for Sublime Text
- by lubusIN 561 Installs
For use with HumanMade’s Custom Meta Boxes for WordPress
- by defmech 561 Installs
A SublimeText 3 package for selecting the next number.
- by rogeriochaves 560 Installs
Shortcut for sublime text to switch between the file and it's spec
- by happyqingye 560 Installs
Plugin for filter code repeatedly [ST3/ST2]
- by Muttley 559 Installs
BlitzMax language definition and snippets for Sublime Text 2/3
- by knee-cola 559 Installs
A SublimeText plugging which helps run Karma Test Runner from ST editor.
- by carwinz ST2 559 Installs
A Sublime Text 2 plugin for inserting import statements into groovy code
- by Makopo ST3 558 Installs
Provides SecondLife LSL and OpenSimulator OSSL API descriptions from kwdb database with the link to API reference wiki pages.
- by Twizzledrizzle ST3 Win 558 Installs
Sublime Text package to send text to an external shell running Ipython
- by ssanj ST3 557 Installs
A Sublime Text Plugin for Minimal Scala Imports