- by not-kennethreitz 15K Installs
Tomorrow Night Color Schemes for SublimeText 3, with Italics on comments!
- by Scopart 14K Installs
Sublime text plugin that open or display files modified since a commit
- by jfcherng ST3 14K Installs
❌ [Deprecated] A better ShellScript (Bash) syntax highlight for Sublime Text >= 3143
- by Dmytro Voytko ST3 14K Installs
🌐 Translation plugin (multi-engine, fast, flexible) for SublimeText 3 & 4, works without API keys, works in China
- by jvantuyl, evandrocoan ST3 14K Installs
A fork from https://github.com/jvantuyl/sublime_diagram_plugin package for Sublime Text, to render diagrams in your source code
- by shagabutdinov 14K Installs
Manage often-encountered keywords like "import", "use"
- by petervaro 14K Installs
ISO C11 standard based syntax highlighter language definition
- by ddiachkov 14K Installs
ST2/3 plugin for quick navigation in YAML files.
- by xsleonard 14K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to render images in markdown files
- by Ennosuke 14K Installs
A Sublime Text plugin to normalize identation for a file.
- by p3lim ST3 14K Installs
Sublime Text - Highlight trailing whitespace
- by cakephp 14K Installs
Official CakePHP TextMate Bundle Git Repository
- by necramirez ST3 14K Installs
This linter plugin for SublimeLinter provides an interface to htmllint.
- by oferei 14K Installs
Unity3D Completions Light - Sublime Text Plugin
- by Minghang Yang ST3 14K Installs
Build and Run in Terminal for Single File C & C++
- by ahmedam55 14K Installs
sublime plugin to autocomplete all vars and mixins in files you set in the setting file
- by Paul Chandler ST3 14K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to parse and apply Vim modelines
- by vovayatsyuk 14K Installs
Sublime Text Plugin to open the class file of the highlighted name
- by Phidica 14K Installs
A robust Sublime Text syntax package for fish
- by sjiangDA ST3 WinMac 14K Installs
Sublime plugin sending command to SAS
- by mangecoeur 14K Installs
Extensions to MarkdownEditing for writing academic papers
- by jlknuth 14K Installs
A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin that allows you to spell check the word under the cursor from the keyboard (vi style).
- by k-amryn 14K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin with a few functions for encoding to and from Base64
- by finitewisdom 14K Installs
A package to extend the functionality of the Sublime Text editor. Specifically, if the current selection represents a set of @param lines, one per line, it will reformat the lines to align the parameter types, names and descriptions.
- by lnikell 14K Installs
Sublime Text 3 Plugin for converting CSS to SASS/Stylus from clipboard