ctrl+shift+p filters: :st2 :st3 :win :osx :linux


  • Python Unittest Helper

    by dnatag ST3 5K Installs
    a Sublime Text 3 plugin that automate much of pyunit test creation and running. A port of nvie's excellent pyunit-vim!
  • Theme - Fengshui

    by jobedom 5K Installs
    Dark custom UI theme for Sublime Text 2 and Sublime Text 3
  • Japanese Word Jump

    by ngr-t 5K Installs
    ST3 Plugin providing word jump based on Japanese word segmentation by TinySegmenter
  • Table Cleaner

    by amisarca 5K Installs
    Sublime Text package for aligning and cleaning tables
  • Change Tracker

    by alek-sys ST2 5K Installs
    Plugin for SublimeText editor to highlight changes made in file since last save
  • CopyWithLineNumbersReloaded

    by crash5 5K Installs
    Copy selected lines with line number and file name.
  • JsDebuggr

    by rDr4g0n ST3 5K Installs
    Add, remove, enable, and disable breakpoints in javascript from the comfort of Sublime Text :D
  • Theme - Fladaptive

    by inta ST3 5K Installs
    Flat style adaption of the included adaptive theme
  • Better Build System

    by Art Tito 5K Installs
    Improved build system for Sublime Text
  • Smart Match

    by ccampbell 5K Installs
    Sublime Text package to make parenthesis, bracket, and square bracket completions smarter
  • Sublime V8

    by akira-cn ST2 5K Installs
    v8 engine for sublime text 2
  • MagentoSnippets

    by MageFront 5K Installs
    Magento Front End Snippets, plugin for Sublime Text
  • iOpener

    by rosshemsley ST3 5K Installs
    Open files from path, with completion, listings and history. Similar to Emacs find file.
  • MarkdownAssistant

    by code-reaper08 ST3 5K Installs
    MarkdownAssistant is a simple and powerful snippet provider, which provides handy snippets for easy creation of Markdown (.md) files. With MarkdownAssistant ,editing .md files is easy and fast.
  • Auto-Spacing

    by xwartz 5K Installs
    💥 Sublime Text 3 Plugin to automatically insert whitespace between CJK (Chinese, Japanese, Korean) and half-width characters (alphabetical letters, numerical digits and symbols).
  • Git Mode

    by markbirbeck ST3 5K Installs
    A Git mode plugin built using the ShellCommand plugin, which makes customisation and adding new commands, super easy.
  • Theme - Toxin

    by p3lim 5K Installs
    Sublime Text 3 - Color Scheme
  • Clang-Complete

    by lvzixun ST3 Mac 5K Installs
    a auto complete plugin for sublimetext3
  • AutomaticPackageReloader

    by randy3k 5K Installs
    Automatically reload submodules while developing a Sublime Text package.
  • SynthWave 84 - Color Scheme

    by lucasvscn 5K Installs
    Synthwave inspired colour theme for Sublime Text
  • SublimePackageSync

    by erbridge ST3 5K Installs
    A Sublime Text 3 package to automatically sync any git package repository
  • Ruby Coverage

    by integrum ST2 5K Installs
    Sublime Text 2 plugin integrating simplecov analysis and highlighting for Ruby
  • Citer

    by mangecoeur 5K Installs
    Citations from bibtex for Sublime Text 3
  • FileFinder

    by houcheng 5K Installs
    Sublime Filefinder plugin
  • CompleteXmlTag

    by neothenil ST3 5K Installs
    A sublime text plugin for completing xml tag.