- by gerardroche 8K Installs
Monokai Sublime Text color scheme.
- by iafan ST2 8K Installs
Map local files to URLs and preview them in browser (Sublime Text editor plugin)
- by sublimelsp ST3 8K Installs
YAML support for Sublime's LSP plugin using yaml-language-server
- by alvarolm ST3 8K Installs
GoGuru is a Golang plugin for SublimeText 3 that integrates the Go guru tool.
- by p3lim 8K Installs
Sublime Text - Format Terraform files when saving
- by danielfrey 8K Installs
A plugin for sublime providing easy navigation to steps in Cucumber (http://cukes.info)
- by welefen ST2 8K Installs
KeymapManager plugin for sublime text 2
- by czottmann 8K Installs
[NO LONGER MAINTAINED] Underscore 1.4 snippets for Sublime Text 2. The snippets follow object-oriented style, i.e. `_(array).map(…)`.
- by jcartledge 8K Installs
Sublime-surround is a SublimeText 2 plugin for adding, deleting and modifying text around the cursor or selection.
- by shagabutdinov 8K Installs
API for manipualting lists of files
- by prog1dev ST3 8K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for Dockerfile, using dockerfilelint.
- by Guillermo López-Anglada ST3 8K Installs
Advanced Vim emulation.
- by sonph 8K Installs
A clean and vibrant color scheme for Sublime Text. Light and Dark. Choose your side.
- by alexkuz ST3 8K Installs
Shows linting errors inline with Phantom API
- by shagabutdinov 8K Installs
Remove specified cursor
- by bhargavrpatel 8K Installs
Valve's KV Syntax, Snippets, and plugins for Dota 2 Workshop's custom gamemode developers. Version 1.0.4 (Jan 29th 2015)
- by marceloxp ST3 8K Installs
Laravel Migrations Snippets for Sublime Text 3
- by shivan 8K Installs
Log4j syntax highlighting for SublimeText 3
- by jfromaniello 8K Installs
sublime 2 snippets for the mocha testing framework
- by Centril 8K Installs
Sublime Text: Twilightcyanide is Cyanide-ified Twilight: darker background & lighter foregrounds.
- by liamcain ST2 8K Installs
Sublime Text 2 UI theme
- by reywood ST3 8K Installs
Allows syntax settings to be specified per project in Sublime Text
- by braver ST3 8K Installs
Color schemes for Sublime Text inspired by Xcode
- by Karegohan-And-Kamehameha 8K Installs
A Yotsuba flavored colorscheme for SublimeText
- by SublimeLinter ST3 8K Installs
mypy static type checking for python