- by voronianski 73K Installs
:triangular_ruler: Sublime Text color scheme ready for next generation JavaScript syntax
- by patrickemuller 73K Installs
This is a custom made Sublime Text 2 Theme inspired in Gray Space Theme and Tron Light Color Scheme
- by Will-ALVIDI 73K Installs
C, C++ and C++11 combined and improved syntax highlighting support for Sublime Text.
- by austinhappel 72K Installs
CSSLint plugin for Sublime Text 2 and 3
- by vivait 72K Installs
ARCHIVED: Automatically moves a semi-colon to the outside of the last bracket when pressed inside
- by vishr 72K Installs
A Sublime Text 2/3 plugin for maintaining local history of files. [backup | open | compare | incremental diff]
- by superbob 71K Installs
French Spelling Language for Sublime Text - Dicionnaire Français pour Sublime Text
- by dexbol Win 71K Installs
sublime plugin
- by stuartherbert 71K Installs
PHPUnit Support for Sublime Text 2
- by SublimeText 70K Installs
Ruby Slim syntax for Sublime Text
- by SublimeText 70K Installs
Terraform (HCL) configuration file syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by CraigWilliams 70K Installs
Sublime Text 2 & 3 Plugin to Beautify Ruby
- by mattchanner 70K Installs
IntelliJ Darkula Sublime Text / TextMate Color Scheme
- by SublimeText 70K Installs
Highlight all copies of the currently selected word.
- by Fabrice Piedanna 70K Installs
Twitter Bootstrap 3 Jade Snippets
- by akrabat 70K Installs
Display current class and function name on the status bar
- by SublimeLinter ST3 69K Installs
SublimeLinter plugin for python, using pyflakes.
- by aqzhyi 69K Installs
手刻的浪漫 DEPRECATED, use TypeScript!
- by randy3k ST3 69K Installs
Project Manager for Sublime Text
- by mikepfirrmann 69K Installs
SublimeText plugin to add a Side Bar context menu option to open folders
- by grubernaut 69K Installs
Sublime Text 3 plugin to print colorized files as HTML via your browser.
- by kemayo 69K Installs
Sublime Text 2 plugin to go to documentation
- by allanhortle 68K Installs
A clean cut UI theme for Sublime Text.
- by leibnizli ST3 68K Installs
Plugin for Sublime text for convert chinese characters, allowing you to convert your .js, .json, and .css files.
- by chrissimpkins 67K Installs
Glue is a plugin that joins your shell to Sublime Text in quasi-perfect harmony.