- by maximilize 607 Installs
Plugin for Sublime Text to keep the open tabs at a clear amount
- by Dustin Tran 607 Installs
Magerun Helper for Sublime Text 3
- by tgrospic 607 Installs
PEG.js with LiveScript for Sublime Text
- by dmi7ry 607 Installs
Format D source code in Sublime Text
- by memoryleak 606 Installs
A repository with Ansible Snippets for Sublime Text
- by blueplanet MacLinux 606 Installs
Execute commands of Octopress in Sublime Text 2 / 3
- by jolyongray 606 Installs
Amnesia.io integration for Sublime Text 3
- by ththev ST3 605 Installs
NetSuite API Completion, Internal IDs and SuiteScript Templates
- by drautb 604 Installs
KRL (Kinetic Rule Language) Syntax Definition for Sublime Text
- by pchaigno 604 Installs
AspectJ syntax highlighting for Sublime Text
- by ymengesha ST3 Win 602 Installs
A Sublime plugin for navigating through Perforce depot files.
- by prongs ST2 602 Installs
manipulate multiple numbers in the document. Useful for writing .md files, snippets etc.
- by donteatyellowsnow 601 Installs
Sublime Text Amalgamate
- by dusk125 ST3 601 Installs
Automatically have all of your Makefile targets available as build variants.
- by sey ST3 599 Installs
Sublime Text Solium Gutter - Solidity Linter plugin
- by nf-core ST3 599 Installs
Nextflow workflow syntax highlighting and snippets for Sublime Text 4
- by idleberg ST3 597 Installs
Package that opens console whenever a new window or tab is opened
- by Rodrigonavarro23 596 Installs
Vtex autocompletion for Sublime Text
- by Dan Griffiths ST3 595 Installs
Simple Travis-CI integration for Sublime Text
- by inkless 594 Installs
Lebab plugin for sublime text 3
- by brandonhorst ST3 594 Installs
Sublime Plugin for InterSystems Cache (uses https://github.com/brandonhorst/cdev-server)
- by gillibrand ST3 594 Installs
Turns JavaScript file into bookmarklet.
- by EncryptEx 593 Installs
Codefall is a dark Color-Scheme for Sublime Text.
- by reisub ST3 592 Installs
Sublime Text 3/4 plugin for quick access to Elixir documentation
- by junosuarez 592 Installs
JavaScript BDD test package for Sublime Text 2